Page 15 - DMEA Week 41 2021
P. 15

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       day of rich gas, 75,000 barrels/day of gas   polythene bags and jerry cans of illegally   for diverting the fuel subsidy, the National
       condensate and 400 tons/day of sulfur, and 1   refined oil products and equipment used for   Assembly’s Finance Committee said.
       million tons/year of liquefied petroleum gas   illegal oil production as well as illicit drugs   The directive comes after the parliament’s
       and one million tons/year of ethane to be fed   impounded by troops within the period.  Finance Committee learnt that the Treasury
       to petrochemical plants.               “Troops of Operation Delta Safe have   had diverted the cash to the Chinese firm
         Back in October 2020, the operator of the   sustained operations to forestall the activities   operating the standard gauge railway (SGR).
       South Pars Phase 14 development project said   of economic saboteurs and other criminal   Once implemented, the directive is likely
       the project’s onshore refinery is scheduled   elements in the South-South Zone.  to help in reducing the increasing pressure
       to be fully operational by the first half of the   “However, the Armed Forces of Nigeria   of the oil price hike, which in turn will spur
       current Iranian calendar year (September   and other security agencies will not relent   inflation. The price of gasoline has been raised
       2021).                              nor rest on its oars in the fight against   by the government by 6% to $1.23 per litre
       TEHRAN TIMES                        criminalities in all parts of the country.  since September 15.
                                              “The Military High Command commends   According to the committee, the funds are
       Troops deactivate 51 illegal        the continued sacrifices of its troops and   intended to reinstate a fuel subsidy that was
                                           salutes their courage and resilience toward
                                                                                introduced in April and discontinued last
       refineries, arrest 23 oil           achieving sustainable peace in the country,”   month, sending fuel prices to their highest
                                           he said.
                                                                                level in Kenya’s history.
       thieves                             VANGUARD                             August after the state used about $34mn to
                                                                                  The subsidy scheme was left empty in
       The Defence Headquarters say troops of                                   upgrade infrastructure in the energy sector
       Operation Delta Safe have deactivated 51   FUELS                         and $163mn to support SGR operations.
       illegal refineries in the last two weeks.                                  The government has collected over
         It said the refineries had a total of 76 ovens,   Ghana asks SONABHY to   $280mn from the petroleum levy from July
       52 cooking pots/boilers, 22 cooling systems,                             last year, but only $77mn has been used as a
       102 reservoirs, 16 large dugout pits and 513   increase imports          fuel subsidy, the committee added.
       storage tanks.                                                           BNE
         The Acting Director, Defence Media   Ghana’s National Petroleum Authority (NPA)
       Operations, Brig.-Gen. Bernard Onyeuko,   is reviewing export and transit arrangements
       made this known while giving update on the   with Burkina Faso’s SONABHY, which   PETROCHEMICALS
       military operations across the country on   oversees the import and distribution of
       Thursday in Abuja.                  petroleum products in that country, in a bid to   Fertiglobe partners up for
         Onyeuko said the deactivated sites which   boost trade.
       also had drums and sacks laden with illegally   NPA chief executive Dr. Mustapha Abdul-  green ammonia project in
       refined oil, were discovered in Rivers, Abia,   Hamid said that gas and oil exports to Burkina
       Cross Rivers, Bayelsa, Akwa Ibom and Imo   Faso have been on the decline since 2019 and   Egypt
       states.                             are currently down by about 72% compared to
         He said that a total of 23 criminal elements   2020 volume, Joy Business reports.  OCI announced that Fertiglobe, the
       were arrested and 73 rounds of 7.62mm   During a visit to SONABHY headquarters,   partnership between OCI and Abu Dhabi
       ammunition, five cartridges, two AK-47 rifles,   he appealed for Burkina Faso to book imports   National Oil Co. (ADNOC), has entered into
       and one double-barrel gun were recovered in   of petroleum products from Ghana, which   an agreement with Scatec and TSFE to jointly
       the course of the operations.       now account for 15% of the total, with the rest   develop a 50-100 MW electrolyzer facility
         Onyeuko also said that one pump action   coming from Togo and Cote D’Ivoire.  to produce green hydrogen as feedstock for
       gun and three locally-made pistols among   BNE                           green ammonia production. The facility will
       other items were recovered.                                              be located near Fertiglobe’s subsidiary EBIC
         According to him, a total of 317,450 litres   Kenya to pay $162mn for   in Ain Sokhna in Egypt and is a first step
       of illegally refined AGO, 8,000 litres of DPK                            towards developing a green hydrogen hub in
       and 159,000 litres of stolen crude have been   high fuel price pressure  Ain Sokhna.
       recovered in the course of the operations.                                 Under the agreement, Scatec will build,
         “These were in addition to several other   Kenya’s parliament has directed the executive   operate and majority own the facility, and
       vehicles and boats loaded with sacks/  to refund over $162mn in compensation   EBIC will use the green hydrogen as a

       Week 41   14•October•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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