Page 14 - EurOil Week 38 2022
P. 14

EurOil                                            POLICY                                               EurOil

       Croatia’s PM to fire INA managers if they

       refuse to resign over corruption scandal

        CROATIA          CROATIA’S Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic  question, a government statement said.
                         said on September 19 that he will sack the Cro-  “The Hungarian side understood well the
       The case relates to a   atian members of oil and gas company INA if  clarity of the message we sent. Not only did the
       major embezlement   they do not resign after a major embezzlement  president of the board [Sándor] Fasimon resign,
       scandal at the country’s   scandal at the country’s oil refinery.  the other two members of the management
       oil refinery.       Last month Croatia’s anti-corruption body,  board did too. We expected the same from the
                         USKOK, arrested five people suspected of resell-  Croatian members of the management board. I
                         ing natural gas that belonged to INA, causing  believe that regardless of whether they knew or,
                         damages worth HRK800mn (€113mn).     possibly, were bypassed in the decision-making
                           The Croatian government, which is one of the  system, that this kind of mega affair that caused
                         two main shareholders in the refinery along with  this kind of damage to the company, caused great
                         Hungary’s MOL, decided after the scandal broke  damage to the government and political and rep-
                         that the entire management must be removed.  utational damage to all of us, is a clear enough
                           Four days earlier, Croatia’s Economy and Sus-  reason that this message coming from the level of
                         tainable Development Minister Davor Filipovic  the prime minister and the minister of economy
                         gave the four Croat managers until September  should and can be understood.”
                         21 to resign.                          The Croatian members of the management
                           After a meeting with MOL executives in  board are Niko Dalic, Darko Markotic and Bar-
                         Zagreb earlier in September, Filipovic said all  bara Doric. Ferenc Horváth and József Simola,
                         members of the board had lost the confidence of  the Hungarian members nominated by MOL,
                         the Croatian government.             resigned on September 16, and the Hungarian
                           Since then, however, there has been no move  president of the management board, Fasimon, a
                         by the Croatian board members to step down.   week earlier.
                           Plenkovic said on September 19 that he was     The scandal has been embarrassing for the
                         “disgusted that not one of the [Croat] members  Croatian government as one of those arrested in
                         of INA’s management has said anything over the  August – Damir Skugor, head of INA’s natural
                         past four days”, and confirmed that they will be  gas retail department – is a member of Plenk-
                         fired if they refuse to voluntarily resign.  ovic’s ruling HDZ party.
                           “I will repeat that I immediately called the   Opposition parties in parliament called for
                         entire board of INA to account, especially the  Plenkovic’s resignation, but the prime minister
                         president of the board … the Hungarian and  enjoys a comfortable and stable majority in par-
                         Croatian members. This means resignations,”  liament, and it seems highly unlikely that he will
                         Plenkovic said in response to a journalist  be forced out over the scandal. ™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 38   23•September•2022
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