Page 15 - EurOil Week 38 2022
P. 15

EurOil                                      NEWS IN BRIEF                                             EurOil

       OMV Petrom says it needs more  possible if Rosneft removed               boost domestic production of coal.
                                                                                  TES produces as much as a third of all
       time to decide about Neptun         as shareholder                       electricity in Slovenia. It was controversially
                                                                                expanded with the addition of Unit 6, despite
       Deep                                Poland stands ready to supply crude oil to   strong opposition by environmental groups
                                                                                and warnings that it could become a ‘stranded
                                           the Germany refinery in Schwedt as soon
       OMV Petrom needs 12 months to make   as Rosneft is stripped of its stake in the   asset’ as the country phases out coal power
       the investment decision on the Neptun   installation, Reuters reported on September   generation.
       Deep offshore project, the company’s CEO   22.                             Prime Minister Robert Golob said on
       Christina Verchere stated on September   The Schwedt refinery is under trusteeship   September 14 that the Premogovnik Velenje
       22 at a conference quoted by Reuters, after   of the Federal Network Agency, the market   coal mine, which supplies Sostanj, only has
       Romanian Minister of Energy Virgil Popescu   regulator, but Rosneft still owns 54% of the   coal stocks sufficient for two weeks. His
       said he would wish to hear about such a   refinery through another company, PCK.  government declared a level one threat for
       decision sooner — by the end of the year   “In Polish-German technical talks on   power supply.
       ideally.                            additional oil supplies for Germany that are   “The situation at the mine is alarming,
         “You have to have the right regulatory and   underway, the Polish side is declaring that   as the landfill only has supplies for just
       fiscal framework and this is what we found   potential help is possible under condition   under a fortnight. This is also a reason why
       challenging, it hasn’t always been there,”   that Rosneft Deutschland is removed from   the government ordered the HSE to start
       Verchere said.                      the list of shareholders of PCK Schwedt,”   immediately with coal import activities,”
         “There are still amendments to be made,”   Poland’s climate and environment ministry   Golob said in the statement.
       Verchere reportedly implied, quoted by Ziarul   told Reuters.              “Slovenia must temporarily increase
       Financiar daily, without providing details on   Poland was also reported as interested   mining and coal imports in order to bridge
       the nature of the amendments.       in taking over Schwedt. Polish refiner PKN   the energy crisis, and on the other hand, we
         Romgaz, the other partner of the 50:50   Orlen is reportedly eyeing the acquisition.  must be prepared for the restructuring of
       concession agreement regarding the field, is   “We are constantly monitoring the   the region when the exit from coal will really
       “extremely committed to having the Neptun   situation in the region,” PKN Orlen said in a   begin,” Golob said.
       Deep project finalized,” according to its CEO   statement.                 Premogovnik Velenje’s general manager
       Razvan Popescu.                        The Netherlands’ Shell also holds a 37.5%   Janez Roser told RTV Slovenia that the
         OMV Petrom turned into the operator   stake in PCK while Italy’s Eni has 8.33%..  management will try to maximise coal
       of the concession contract after Romgaz                                  production and ensure larger stocks of coal.
       took over the 50% stake previously held by                                 Speaking about a possible expansion
       ExxonMobil. Initially, the US company was   Desperate Southeast Europe   of the mining locations, he said that it is a
       acting as the operator for the project and it                            demanding project, which would take at least
       sold its 50% stake to Romgaz.       governments scramble for             three years, and the staffing issue also poses an
         BSOG, operating a smaller investment                                   additional challenge.
       project in Romania’s Black Sea, already started   energy resources         “We have already hired miners from
       production at its Midia field under exactly                              Bosnia and Herzegovina, and talks are also
       the same regulatory and fiscal framework as   The small countries of Southeast Europe   underway on the possibility of [bringing in]
       OMV Petrom.                         are urgently looking to new suppliers to   additional miners from North Macedonia,”
         As the deadlines of the concession contract   help them though the energy crisis caused   Roser said.
       are secret, OMV Petrom has constantly   by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and related   Also in mid-September, Sostanj (TES)
       deferred making a decision about Neptun   sanctions.                     received the first test batch of coal from
       Deep asking for better fiscal terms.   Soaring electricity prices on international   Indonesia. Along with Australia, the Southeast
         Romania sweetened the terms and   markets have forced states from the region to   Asian country is becoming an increasingly
       eliminated the requirement for 50% of the gas   look for ways to boost domestic generation   important supplier of coal following
       to be sold on the local centralised markets.   – which in most cases means a return to coal   disruptions to supplies from Russia and
       State-owned company Romgaz completed   power despite commitments to greening their   Ukraine. Golob said that if Slovenia managed
       the takeover of ExxonMobil’s 50% stake in   energy sectors.              to import enough coal, it would still be
       Neptun Deep projects.                  Even so, boosting coal power generation is   cheaper than importing electricity at current
         However, Popescu revealed in August that   complicated by the sudden need to secure new  market prices.
       under a provision of the concession contract   coal supplies as well as ageing and unreliable   North Macedonia also needs coal for
       the operators of the perimeter, OMV Petrom   coal power plants outside the EU countries.   its thermal power plants (TPPs). North
       and Romgaz, are obliged to officially declare,   The government of Slovenia, which is the   Macedonia is dependent on energy imports,
       by the end of 2022, whether the discovered   richest country in emerging Europe in per   and produces only electricity. It has no gas or
       deposits have commercial value and can   capita terms and also prides itself on being   oil, and has limited quantities of coal.
       be exploited under conditions of economic   one of the greenest, said back in January that   In August, North Macedonia’s power
       profitability.                      it had endorsed a national strategy to phase   producer ESM called two tenders to purchase
                                           out coal for power production by 2033 at the   950,000 tonnes of coal for the needs of its two
                                           latest.                              TPPs
       Poland says oil supplies to         is scrambling to import coal to feed its one   on September 13 that he has secured supplies
                                                                                  Prime Minister Dimitar Kovacevski said
                                              Fast forward eight months, and Ljubljana
       Germany’s Schwedt only              remaining coal-fired power plant Sostanj   of coal and fuel oil from Greece during his
                                           (TES), as well as trying to recruit miners to
                                                                                meeting with Greek PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis

       Week 38   23•September•2022              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P15
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