Page 10 - EurOil Week 31 2022
P. 10
Iran petrol exports hit $32mn
in first month of calendar year
MIDDLE EAST IRAN exported 116mn litres of petrol worth capacity has also increased by about 500,000
$32mn in the first month of the current Persian bpd, according to the National Iranian Oil Refin-
year (March 21 – April 20), according to data ing and Distribution Company (NIORDC).
released by the Iranian customs authorities. The average daily consumption of gasoline
Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Admin- is about 95mn litres in Iran, while the country’s
istration (IRICA) noted that growing petrol petrol production figure is 105mn litres per day
exports recorded by the country in recent years without taking into account the restrictions on
have made it entirely self-sufficient in petroleum usage.
production. That production hinges on opera- It was previously reported that 25mn litres
tions at the South Pars-based Persian Gulf Star of petrol is wasted per day in Iran due to poor
(PGS) Refinery and at other Iranian refining consumption patterns and old engines that use
facilities. In recent months, Iran has begun petrol high amounts of fuel. Local statistics relay how,
exports to more countries, including Venezuela, given the old technology on the road in Iran, on
Iraq and Afghanistan. average 9bn litres of petrol are wasted every year
Iran became a net gasoline exporter in Feb- In Iran.
ruary 2019, after the inauguration of the third According to the Ministry of Oil, Afshin
phase of the PGS project, which added 120,000 Mahdavi, the planning manager of the National
barrels per day (bpd) to the country’s petrol Oil Products Distribution Company, said that
production. from March 21, to the end of July 22, (Iran’s
Iran may need to increase its litre price of pet- first Persian quarter) this year, an average of
rol again in the next few months as consump- 100.9mn litres of petrol was distributed daily in
tion habits continue to grow and prices remain the country.
historically low due to the weakened Iranian rial There are currently 10 refineries in Iran, the
(IRR). output of which includes petroleum, petrochem-
Over the past seven years, Iran’s refining icals and gas condensate products.
P10 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 31 04•August•2022