Page 6 - EurOil Week 31 2022
P. 6

DMEA                                           COMPANIES                                               DMEA

       BP, Eni complete formation

       of Azule Energy JV in Angola

        AFRICA           BP (UK) and Eni (Italy) confirmed on August 2  This included securing the relevant regulatory
                         that they had completed the process of establish-  approvals and $2.5bn in third-party pre-export
                         ing Azule Energy, a new joint venture that will  financing, it explained.
                         combine both companies’ upstream, LNG and   BP and Eni said they were confident that
                         solar energy assets in Angola.       Azule Energy would see production rise over
                           In a joint statement, BP and Eni noted that  the next five years thanks to “a strong pipeline
                         Azule Energy’s portfolio would include equity  of new projects that are scheduled to come on
                         stakes in 16 Angolan oil and gas blocks, includ-  stream over the next few years, growing organ-
                         ing six exploration blocks, that are believed to  ically from exploration discoveries.” The joint
                         contain around 2bn barrels of oil equivalent  venture’s exploration blocks cover a combined
                         (boe) in net resources.              area of 30,000 square km in sections of Angola’s
                           The joint venture’s share of production from  offshore zone that are known to be rich in hydro-
                         these sites is on track to rise to about 250,000 bar-  carbons, and they are close enough to existing
                         rels of oil equivalent per day (boepd) within the  infrastructure facilities that opportunities for
                         next five years, they said. This will make it the  synergy are sure to arise, they said.
                         country’s largest independent equity producer of   In the meantime, they added, Azule Energy
                         oil and gas, they added.             will also be involved in bringing new assets such
                           The partners went on to say that Azule Energy  as the Agogo Full Field project at Block 15/06
                         would assume BP and Eni’s shares in Angola  and the Palas-Astrea-Juno (PAJ) project at Block
                         LNG, the operator of an onshore gas liquefaction  31 on stream. Additionally, it will be a share-
                         plant with a production capacity of 5.2mn tonnes  holder in New Gas Consortium (NGC), a group
                         per year (tpy). The joint venture will also take  formed to develop the country’s non-associated
                         control of Eni’s stake in Solenova, a solar energy  gas resources in order to increase the volume of
                         concern established with Angola’s national oil  feedstock delivered to Angola LNG.
                         company (NOC) Sonangol, as well as the Italian   BP and Eni struck a deal on combining their
                         company’s investments in the Luanda oil refin-  Angolan assets in May 2021. The two companies
                         ery, they reported.                  are also mulling the possibility of making simi-
                           The incorporation of the joint venture was  lar arrangements in Algeria, and in March of this
                         completed after the two majors met all condi-  year, they were reported to be close to reaching
                         tions for the transaction, the statement noted.  an agreement.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 31   04•August•2022
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