Page 4 - MEOG Week 06 2021
P. 4

MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       Completion nears at remaining

       phases of South Pars

       Tehran is nearing completion of the 24-phase upstream development of
       South Pars, with work on the last of its 14 onshore refineries not far behind.

        IRAN             WORK is nearing completion on the remain-  2 and 3 in 2002, with nine phases entering
                         ing development phases of Iran’s South Pars gas  production during the presidency of Hassan
                         field, according to the company responsible for  Rouhani.
       WHAT:             the project.                           Future output levels will be dictated by the
       Iran has completed all   Last week, Mohammad Meshkinfam, man-  extent to which Iran is able to counter pressure
       but one of its 24-phase   aging director of Pars Oil and Gas Co. (POGC),  decline, and there are plans to install 20 heavy
       South Pars development   told local media outlet IRIB that by the end of  compression platforms to maintain production
       project, with work   the current Iranian calendar year, which ends  levels at a cost of around $1bn each.
       ongoing to achieve full   on March 20, “the development … will be nearly   Work is ongoing at the remaining phase 11,
       production from the   completed and we will not have any work left   which has been perhaps the highest profile of all
       much-discussed phase   except for phase 11 in the offshore sector and the  Iranian oil and gas projects following the signing
       11.               refinery of phase 14 in the onshore sector, which  of an integrated petroleum contract (IPC) with
                         will be operational early next year.”  French super-major Total and China National
       WHY:                South Pars is split into 24 offshore develop-  Petroleum Corp. (CNPC) in 2017 targeting pro-
       South Pars is the   ment phases and 14 onshore gas refineries which  duction to 20.8 bcm per year.
       country’s most important   process the gas produced offshore. POGC, a sub-  The Chinese firm became the lead investor
       strategic project and   sidiary of the National Iranian Oil Co. (NIOC),  in SP11 after Total withdrew in August 2018
       President Hassan   holds ultimate responsibility for the projects,  citing the threat of it incurring US sanctions
       Rouhani has overseen   with fellow NIOC subsidiary Petropars carrying  should it go ahead with plans. The French firm
       nine phases entering   out jobs on the surface and subsurface.  had planned to invest an initial $1bn, focusing
       production.         The country is home to around 34 trillion  on a section of the field near the South Pars Oil
                         cubic metres of proven natural gas reserves, with  Layer, adjacent to areas of the field under Qatar’s
       WHAT NEXT:        the supergiant South Pars accounting for around  control.
       Questions over the   14 tcm as well as 18bn barrels of gas condensates.  The company’s 50.1% stake was handed over
       future of production   The Islamic Republic holds a 3,700-square  to CNPC, giving it 80.1%, with Petropars retain-
       remain, with Iran   km portion of the 9,700-square km deposit that  ing the remaining 19.9%.
       facing a significant bill   is shared with Qatar, where it is known as the   Petropars was left as the only remaining part-
       to implement efforts   North Dome field. Around 80% of the field’s ini-  ner in the $4.879bn project when CNPC pulled
       to maintain reservoir   tial gas reserves are believed to remain in place.  out in 2019.
       pressure to avoid major   A week earlier, Meshkinfam denied reports of   The Iranian firm kicked off drilling work in
       decline.          a pressure drop across the field, noting that since  December using Mapna Drilling Co.’s MD-1
                         March 2020, output had increased by 65mn  drilling rig, which was installed at the SPD11B
                         cubic metres per day of gas following the com-  location in early November. The 2,200-tonne
                         pletion of the phase 16 gas pipeline. “The drop  unit is carrying out a programme of drilling 12
                         in gas pressure in South Pars has not occurred to  appraisal and development wells as Petropars
                         date and forecasts indicate that in the next three  seeks to achieve a daily production capacity of
                         or four years, the drop in gas pressure will begin  1bn cubic feet (28 mcm) per day of sour gas from
                         gradually,” he said.                 the project.
                           Production from the 23 operational offshore   The SPD11B wells will be drilled in two
                         phases was reported by Oil Minister Bijan Zan-  stages. The first phase will comprise the drilling
                         ganeh in September to have reached 700 mcm  and completion of five appraisal or development
                         per day, up from 280 mcm per day in 2013.  wells and installation of the SPD11B platform,
                         The minister noted that during this period, 26  targeting an initial production level of 500mn
                         offshore platforms, 228 wells, 2,160 km of sea  cubic feet (14 mcm) per day.
                         pipelines and 30 refining trains had been com-  Thereafter, a further seven development wells
                         missioned at the field. Meanwhile, over the  will be drilled and completed to increase gas
                         weekend, the oil minister said that the country’s  recovery from the platform to 28 mcm per day.
                         total production had reached a record level of   Tehran intends to expand total South Pars
                         1.04bn cubic metres per day.         production to 1 bcm per day as soon as possible.
                           Production from South Pars began at phases   Onshore, Meshkinfam said that the first train

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