Page 6 - MEOG Week 06 2021
P. 6

MEOG                                          COMMENTARY                                               MEOG

       Petrofac wins more Oman

       work amid flurry of activity

       Oman’s oil and gas sector has seen a ramp-up in activity over the
       past week, with contract awards and progress on a key project.

        OMAN             OMAN has announced progress on several  after 40 years of extended production, given the
                         fronts over the last week as it continues activity  advanced maturity of some of these fields and
                         in the upstream and downstream sectors. In the  their respective developments.”
       WHAT:             upstream, services contracts were awarded for   Petrofac previously carried out a $265mn
       Petrofac will carry out   enhanced oil recovery (EOR) projects which  EPCM contract for the development of the
       major engineering work   are key to maintaining production levels. Mean-  Marmul Polymer Phase 3 (MPP3) project that
       at fields in the north   while, progress continues to be made at the  covered the expansion of off-plot and on-plot
       and south, while a local   Duqm downstream hub, which Muscat sees  production facilities associated with around
       firm has been awarded   as an important element in its efforts to derive  500 producing and 75 injector wells. The con-
       a contract for a major   greater value from its upstream output.  tract was awarded in 2018, the first under a new
       heavy oil asset.    UK-based services firm Petrofac has  10-year framework agreement signed last year
                         extended its long relationship with the sultanate,  with the government-led client. PDO – the
       WHY:              announcing last week that it had been awarded  Middle East’s EOR pioneer – commissioned the
       Oman is heavily reliant   two contracts by Petroleum Development Oman  original polymer injection project at the Marmul
       on enhanced recovery   (PDO) worth a combined $300mn for engineer-  field in 2010.
       to maintain production   ing, procurement and construction (EPC) and   The UK contractor has also provided $1.25bn
       levels and it continues to   delivery work.            worth of EPCM support at the nearby Rabab
       invest.             The first is a 30-month, lump-sum turnkey  Harweel Integrated Project (RHIP), output from
                         (LSTK) contract for work at the Marmul Main  which is exported to the Main Oil Line (MOL)
       WHAT NEXT:        Production Station (MMPS) gas compression  via Marmul.
       Majan Energy Petroleum   project, and the second is a seven-year deal for
       is set to carry out studies   engineering services and project support for  North Oman
       on the ultra-heavy   concessions in northern Oman.     Meanwhile, in northern Oman, Petrofac will
       Habhab oilfield.                                       provide “reimbursable engineering services,
                         Marmul                               integrated project support and management
                         At Marmul, in the south of the country, Petrofac  services” to PDO’s contract holder Arabian
                         will carry out EPC, commissioning, start-up and  Industries Projects for selected concessions. The
                         initial operational support work on a new facility  contract has an option to extend for three years.
                         that will eliminate permanent flaring and man-  In November, Arabian Industries delivered
                         age associated gas. The job includes gas recov-  22 multiport selector valve (MSV) skids for
                         ery and booster compressors, gas sweetening,  MPP3 under an ongoing four-year frame agree-
                         dehydration and other units, utility systems and  ment contract with Petrofac for 54 skids, with 15
                         modification of existing facilities.  to be delivered this year and the remainder to
                           Marmul is part of the Marmul Rahab  follow in 2022 as required.
                         Thuleilat Qaharir cluster of fields at which PDO   Meanwhile, in late January it announced the
                         last year completed drilling of its 1,000th well. In  completion of two new storage tanks for PDO at
                         January 2020, the company noted that produc-  Marmul and Lekhwair, with work nearing com-
                         tion from the cluster was running at 81,600 bar-  pletion on a further four tanks at Kauther and
                         rels per day (bpd) thanks to an extensive drilling  SaihNihayda.
                         programme and the widespread implementa-  According to its website, Arabian Industries
                         tion of EOR techniques. It added that more wells  is currently carrying out seven contracts for
                         would be drilled through the Marmul Polymer  PDO throughout Oman.
                         Phase 3 development and denser waterflood
                         in-fill projects that will further boost production  Habhab award
                         and add to reserves.                 Muscat finally announced the signing of an
                           PDO Oil South director Salim Al Sikaiti said  exploration and production sharing agreement
                         at the time: “The vision is to grow further with  (ESPA) for its Block 71 concession, which was
                         another 1,000 wells in the future. It is great to  offerled as a direct negotiation opportunity
                         see the Marmul cluster sustaining high oil rates  alongside the sultanate’s largely unsuccessful

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