Page 16 - DMEA Week 30 2021
P. 16

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       FUELS                               TERMINALS & SHIPPING                 coalition allocate oils and waste near the
                                                                                Yemeni coasts, with the systematic aim of
       Saudi sets cap on local             Abandoned tanker sinks               disrupting the ports and affecting the marine
                                                                                environment,” Al-Zubayri said, warning that
       gasoline price for July             causing oil spill in Gulf of         the oil spill would affect fish, seagrass, and
                                                                                coral reefs.
       Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil exporter,   Aden                     “We have approximately 290 fishermen
       set a cap on local gasoline prices for July to                           who are missing due to the systematic
       help alleviate rising living costs and boost the   Mohammed Amzarba, the head of Aden’s port  targeting of fishermen by Saudi-UAE
       economy.                            authority was cited by the official Saba news   aggressors,” he added.
         Fuel prices will be capped at 2.18 riyals   agency on Thursday as saying that the vessel,   The sinking of Dia has also reignited pre-
       (58.1 cents) per litre for the 91 octane grade,   named Dia had started to sink after years   existing environmental and humanitarian
       and at 2.33 riyals per litre for the 95 octane   of being abandoned at the port. Authorities   concerns over the abandoned oil tanker, the
       variety, effective July 10, according to a decree   reportedly tried to tow it using a tugboat   45-year-old FSO Safer vessel which has been
       issued by King Salman.              before it eventually sank, partly due to a lack   anchored near the strategic western Red Sea
         Saudi Arabia’s annual inflation accelerated   of specialised equipment.  port of Al-Hudaydah, which has been under
       for the second consecutive month in May,   One unnamed source at the port authority   blockade by the Saudi-coalition since March
       reaching 5.7% compared with 5.3% at the end   disclosed that the oil slick had spread along   2015.
       of April as the prices of food and beverages   the coast for some 20 kilometres.  Both the de facto government in Sanaa
       and transport rose, according to official   One member of the environmental   and Riyadh have traded accusations as to who
       statistics.                         rescue committee in Aden, Ahmed Fahim,   is ultimately responsible for the fate of the
         The government has been working to bring   explained that no one had taken “care of the   tanker. Last year, a Houthi official announced
       domestic fuel prices in line with international   maintenance of the tanker, so it sank and   that a rescue team had been dispatched to the
       levels, part of reforms aimed at easing   caused a disaster on the coast.” Adding that   Safer to carry out maintenance work.
       the burden of subsidies on state finances,   dead fish had “washed up on shore.”  The UN-recognised government-in-exile
       improving energy efficiency and cutting   However, according to the Sanaa-based   has blamed the Houthi authorities for any
       consumption.                        Yemen Press Agency, the Minister of   leaks from the tanker because it’s moored in
         Saudi Arabia’s economy shrank 4.1% last   Fisheries in the Houthi-aligned government,   territory under their control. However, Sanaa
       year, but the International Monetary Fund   Mohammed Al-Zubayri, accused the   has insisted that it is the coalition which
       expects real GDP, an inflation-adjusted   Saudi-backed international government and   should be held accountable as it controls the
       measure, to grow 2.1% this year as it recovers   the UAE-supported Southern Transitional   waters near the vessel and has also prevented
       from the pandemic’s impact.         Council, who control much of the port city of   the Houthis from selling the oil which is still
       REUTERS                             being responsible for the oil spill.  on board.
                                              “The ships of the aggressive Saudi-UAE   MEMO

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   29•July•2021
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