Page 14 - DMEA Week 30 2021
P. 14

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       POLICY                              COMPANIES                            medium to long term. The midstream sector
                                                                                will remain integral to its proper functioning.
       Iraq shall not replace fossil  Brooge announces positive                 Our strategic positioning in Fujairah, where
                                                                                the high utilization of third-party storage
       oil with more renewable             feasibility study for phase 3        terminals along with upcoming infrastructure
                                                                                investments, is expected to drive sustainable
       resources                           Brooge Energy, a midstream oil storage and   and growing demand for our storage
                                                                                solutions. To leverage this opportunity as
                                           service provider strategically located outside
       Iraq shall not replace fossil oil with solar   the Strait of Hormuz, in the Port of Fujairah in  much as possible, we are building out our
       energy to produce electricity, Energy and Oil   the United Arab Emirates, today released the   technologically-advanced terminals that are
       expert Hamza al-Jawaheri said on Monday.  results of the feasibility study commissioned   able to deliver high margins. We also plan
         In an interview with Shafaq News Agency,   for Brooge Energy’s Phase III oil storage   to build out a modular and a conventional
       al-Jawaheri said, “solar energy is efficacious in   facility and refinery.  refinery, including the capability to comply
       remote areas or agricultural fields that are not   The feasibility study supports the financial   with the new IMO 2020 low sulphur rule,
       located anywhere near rivers in order to draw   viability of the Company’s Phase III expansion   at a time when the UAE is adding to its oil
       water from wells.”                  plan, highlighting upcoming infrastructure   production capacity which we anticipate will
         “However, in urban areas, they are useless   investments in the region as a key driver   drive demand for refinery services for both
       and four times more expensive than fossil oil,”   of sustainable storage demand and rising   the domestic and export market. With the
       he added.                           domestic and export demand for refined   completion of this study, we are now looking
         “Iraq is an oil-producing country. It   products as a key driver of refinery demand.  forward to potentially starting construction
       supplies 12% of the world’s needs. It is not in   The Phase III expansion project is for a 2.5   for Phase III as early as the second half of
       its best interest to adopt renewable energy   million cbm oil storage facility1, a modular   2021.”
       resources,” he continued, “Iraq’s economy is   25,000 barrel per day (bpd) refinery, and a   BROOGE
       rentier that relies on oil to fund its treasury.   larger 180,000 bpd conventional refinery. The
       Promoting alternative energy is not the   successful build out of Brooge Energy’s Phase   Fitch revises Aramco’s
       optimal choice to address the power issue in   III facility would position the Company as
       Iraq.”                              the largest independent oil storage facility   outlook to stable from
         Renewable energy is useful energy that is   in Fujairah, with capacity to store Clean
       collected from renewable resources, which are   Petroleum Products; Middle Distillates; High   negative
       naturally replenished on a human timescale,   and Low Sulphur Fuel oil as well as crude oil.
       including carbon neutral sources like sunlight,   The Phase III expected construction period is   Fitch Ratings, one of the top global credit
       wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat.   two years, with the Company anticipating it   rating agencies, has revised Saudi Arabian Oil
       This type of energy source stands in contrast   will be operational within 2023.  Company’s (Saudi Aramco) outlook to stable
       to fossil fuels, which are being used far more   Nicolaas L. Paardenkooper, CEO of Brooge   from negative while affirming the company’s
       quickly than they are being replenished and   Energy and BPGIC, said, “The feasibility   long-term issuer default rating (IDR) at ‘A’.
       with more serious damage to the ecosystem.   study defines a project with robust economics   In a new report published on Tuesday,
         Renewable energy capacity additions   and reinforces the strength of our business   the rating agency said that the revision of
       in 2020 expanded by more than 45% from   strategy, highlighting that the oil market is   the outlook on Saudi Aramco’s IDR is driven
       2019, including a 90% rise in global wind   expected to continue to be the most important  by a similar action on the sovereign early
       capacity and a 23% expansion of new solar   energy source going forward, with the Middle   this month, while it assessed the oil giant’s
       photovoltaic installations.         East region continuing to be the leading   standalone credit Profile (SCP) at ‘aa+’.
       SHAFAQ NEWS                         producer and exporter of crude over the   According to the report, Fitch based its

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   29•July•2021
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