Page 9 - DMEA Week 30 2021
P. 9

DMEA                                              FUEL                                                DMEA

       Iraq to provide Lebanon

       with fuel oil in barter deal

        MIDDLE EAST      IRAQ and Lebanon last week agreed a barter  “agreed to open an account in Lebanon’s Central
                         deal that will see Baghdad ship 1mn tonnes  Bank in exchange for this fuel. This account is
                         of fuel oil for use in Lebanese power plants in  managed by the Iraqi Finance Ministry through
                         exchange for medical services.       which it will buy services inside Lebanon in Leb-
                           In a deal that Lebanese Energy Minister Ray-  anese pounds.”
                         mond Ghajar described as “a bit complicated”,   At present, Beirut is struggling to finance the
                         the  state-owned Iraq News  Agency (INA)  sourcing of fuel oil, which has led to power cuts
                         reported that the fuel oil would be sold to Leb-  of up to 22 hours per day.
                         anon at the “global price”, then noting that the   Iraq began trucking consignments of fuel oil
                         payment would be made “with services and  as aid following the blast last year that destroyed
                         goods”.                              much of the port of Beirut and the surrounding
                           Ghajar said that the deal would allow the  area. In August shipments containing more than
                         government to purchase 1mn tonnes of fuel oil  1mn litres were trucked through Syrian territory
                         on behalf of Electricite du Liban (EDL) over the  as Baghdad sought to provide aid “as part of the
                         course of a year. Lebanon will provide “services  assistance provided by the government and the
                         and assistance to Iraq in the hospitals sector” in  Iraqi people to the brotherly Lebanese people”,
                         exchange, he added.                  according to Iraqi Oil Minister Ihsan Abdul
                           The announcement follows Iraq’s agreement  Jabbar.
                         last month to begin doubling its fuel oil supplies
                         from the current 500,000 tonne per year (tpy)  Regulations eased
                         level.                               Meanwhile, last week Lebanon said it would
                           The Lebanese minister noted that Iraqi fuel  allow direct importing of diesel as it seeks to ease
                         oil does not meet the specifications required for  fuel shortages.
                         use in Lebanese power stations, so the supplies   Industry Minister Imad Hoballah said:
                         received will be exchanged with third parties that  “Subsidies for diesel will stop and we consider
                         can supply appropriate products.     it stopped.”
                           He said that the volume would account for   He added that the government had decided
                         around a third of EDL’s requirement, noting he  to waive the requirement to seek its permission
                         hoped EDL could use it to provide “up to nine  for diesel and other petroleum derivatives in an
                         or 10 hours [per day] of electricity over four  attempt to increase the availability of the fuels for
                         months”.                             use in private generators and thereby reduce the
                           Ghajar added that the Iraqi government had  load on state power facilities.™

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