Page 6 - DMEA Week 30 2021
P. 6

DMEA                                              SUPPLY                                               DMEA

       Iran reduces gas flows to Iraq

        MIDDLE EAST      IRAN has reduced gas flows to power stations in  with Baghdad owing its neighbour more than
                         southern and central Iraq as the Islamic Republic  $6bn for gas already provided, increasing the
                         struggles with domestic power and water crises.  likelihood of power shortages across the country.
                           A statement from Iraq’s Ministry of Energy  However, an agreement was reached days later
                         (MoE) said that gas supplies had fallen by 19mn  by Iranian energy minister Reza Ardakanian
                         cubic metres (mcm) per day.          and Iraqi counterpart Majid Mahdi for flows to
                           “The rates of Iranian gas being supplied to the  resume at normal rates.
                         production stations in the central regions and   Ardakanian told state news agency IRNA:
                         Baghdad have been reduced from 34mn cubic  “good agreements were reached with the Iraqi
                         metres to 20mn cubic metres per day,” it said,  officials to withdraw Iranian funds from Iraq
                         adding that supplies to southern regions had  to pay for the purchase of the coronavirus vac-
                         dropped from 17mcm to 12mcm per day.  cine from Europe using Iran’s existing financial
                           The MoE noted that the country has lost  resources in Iraq.” This followed the announce-
                         around 1,000 MW of electricity production as  ment by Tehran that it had been given the
                         a result.                            go-ahead by American authorities to transfer
                           Iraq is understood to generate around 19,000-  $244mn to buy coronavirus vaccines from the
                         21,000 MW, far short of the required level of  WHO’s COVAX alliance.
                         30,000 MW. In addition to the cross-border gas   The gas deal was reached after Iraq had paid
                         flows, Iraq imports around 1,200 MW of elec-  an “appreciable portion” of the debt to Iranian
                         tricity from Iran.                   state gas and electricity companies, according to
                           Exacerbating the situation, transmission  Ardakanian.
                         lines in the Iraqi governorates of Diyala, Kirkuk   He added: “With these new arrangements,
                         and Salah ad Din have been targeted by attacks  we hope to use our existing financial resources
                         understood to have been carried out by Daesh  in Iraq more quickly to purchase basic goods
                         militants.                           and other needed items in the near future.”
                           The MoE said that “great and high coordina-  Meanwhile Baghdad said on December 21 that
                         tion” had been held between the oil and energy  it would export 700,000 tonnes of barley to Iran
                         ministries of the neighbours to compensate for  for $125 per tonne as part of the as part of the
                         the reduced volumes.                 repayment plan with cash and other goods to be
                           Gas supplies to Iraq were cut in late December  used in a partial barter arrangement.™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 30   29•July•2021
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