Page 11 - DMEA Week 43 2021
P. 11
ADNOC signs clean energy
supply deal with EWEC
MIDDLE EAST ABU Dhabi National Oil Co. (ADNOC) this providing the world’s energy needs. We focus
week signed a deal that will see Emirates Water on decarbonising our operations, lowering our
and Electricity Co. (EWEC) supply up to 100% carbon intensity and strengthening our environ-
of the company’s power requirement from clean mental stewardship and economic performance,
and renewable sources. in line with the Paris Climate Accords and our
The deal will see EWEC leverage its nuclear energy transition strategy.”
and solar power assets to supply ADNOC on a He added: “As we embrace the energy transi-
long-term offtake agreement. tion and prepare for COP26, ADNOC extends
The initiative was launched by HE Sheikh an open invitation to new and existing partners
Khaled bin Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, to join us in delivering practical solutions to
member of the Abu Dhabi Executive Council, secure a cleaner energy future.”
chairman of the Abu Dhabi Executive Office EWEC procures power supply from 12 com-
and chairman of the executive committee of bined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) and solar plants
ADNOC’s board of directors. across Abu Dhabi and is involved in the integra-
He said: “This partnership highlights tion of the Barakah Nuclear Energy Plant to the
ADNOC’s vital role in investing in transform- emirate’s grid. The 5,600-MW Barakah facility is
ative innovations, advancing decarbonisation anticipated to begin operating this year and once
efforts, and supporting the diversification of the all four of its APR-1400 reactors become opera-
UAE’s energy portfolio … It also marks a major tional it is expected to prevent the release of up to
moment in the activation of a strategic, long- 21mn tonnes per year (tpy) of carbon emissions.
term plan to further decarbonise ADNOC’s The agreement comes amid a host of
operations sustainably.” announcements ahead of the start of the COP26
Meanwhile, Minister of Industry and summit in Glasgow and is seen accelerating
Advanced Technology and ADNOC managing ADNOC’s sustainability goal of reducing its
director and CEO HE Dr Sultan bin Ahmed Al greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions intensity by
Jaber said: “ADNOC is committed to responsibly 25% by 2030.
Week 43 28•October•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P11