Page 9 - DMEA Week 43 2021
P. 9

DMEA                                     POLICY & SECURITY                                            DMEA

       Baghdad starts

       sending fuel to Erbil

        IRAQ             THE federal government in Baghdad has started  people, but as I said, it has to be very high quality
                         sending tankers filled with gasoline to the Kurd-  as per the standards we have set, and the price be
                         istan Regional Government (KRG) in Erbil to  reasonable, and serves the people.”
                         ease a fuel supply crisis in the semi-autonomous   The fuel supply crisis was raised between
                         region.                              the ministers earlier this month when they met
                           The KRG announced this week that follow-  to discuss collaboration in the oil and gas sec-
                         ing a meeting between Kurdistan’s Minister of  tor. At the time, Abdul Jabbar “emphasised the
                         Natural Resources Kamal Atroshi and Iraqi Oil  importance of working on increasing transpar-
                         Minister Ihsan Abdul Jabbar, the first cargoes  ency and sharing information on oil activity,
                         of 540,000 litres per day of gasoline had been  revenues achieved and working together for
                         received.                            optimal investment of natural and hydrocarbon
                           Fatah Rahman, general director at the Min-  resources throughout Iraq to support and pro-
                         istry of Natural Resources (MNR), said: “Bagh-  mote the national economy”.
                         dad will provide 540,000 litres of gasoline to   He added that they should work together to
                         the Kurdistan Region provinces daily, and this  invest in clean forms of energy, particularly seek-
                         amount will double on November 1, 2021,  ing to end gas flaring from the country’s oilfields.
                         meaning it will become 1.08mn litres [per day]   On this topic, the finance minister told the
                         of gasoline.”                        Green Initiative Forum in Riyadh this week that
                           He added that the fuel would be priced at  Baghdad is “drawing policies to stop burning
                         IQD690 ($0.47) per litre at fuel stations. Accord-  accompanying gas [flared gas] that will stop for
                         ing to Atroshi, the KRG’s gasoline demand sits at  good by 2025.”
                         around 5mn litres per day.             He added: “We are working on providing a
                           Meanwhile, KRG spokesperson Jotiar Adil  budget of $3bn every year to replace all of the liq-
                         told local media outlet Rudaw: “We do not mind  uid oil that is used in electricity generation plants
                         if businessmen import gasoline that serves the  in order to work with natural gas.”™

       Week 43   28•October•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                              P9
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