Page 4 - DMEA Week 43 2021
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       NNPC reiterates

       downstream ambitions

       Nigeria is ambitious about its ability to become self-reliant in fuel while
       building out gas utilisation in the country is a major strategic aim.

        AFRICA           THE  Nigerian National Petroleum Corp.  is limited to the 5,000 bpd modular Waltersmith
                         (NNPC) this week said that the country’s grow-  Petroman facility at Ibigwe, this sounds like a
                         ing demand for petroleum products give rise  longshot.
       WHAT:             to significant investment opportunities in the   However, with NNPC spending several bil-
       Abuja anticipates that it   downstream.                lion dollars to overhaul its full 445,000 bpd slate
       will require 1.5mn bpd of   While state and private refining projects will  across three facilities and the Dangote Group
       refining capacity to cater   significantly alter the downstream landscape,  nearing completion on its 650,000 bpd green-
       to local fuel demand in   there are hopes private-backed condensate refin-  field facility at Lekki, work is ongoing already for
       2025.             eries can be added to cater to fuel demand in full.  a significant portion of this.
                           Investment is also ongoing in the midstream   The NNPC “has progressed with the Refiner-
       WHY:              as Nigeria seeks to improve self-sufficiency and  ies Rehabilitation Programme to further boost
       While projects are either   make progress on the energy transition.  its participation in the Oil and Gas value chain
       in planning or already                                 by awarding the $1.5bn Port Harcourt rehabilita-
       under development   Refining slate                     tion contract with the commitment to deliver on
       that could achieve this   Speaking at the 15th Oil Trading and Logistics  Warri and Kaduna Refineries”, he said.
       figure, it is unlikely that   Africa Downstream Week in Lagos, NNPC   The Port Harcourt refining complex has an
       all of them will come to   managing director Mele Kyari said that Nige-  installed throughput capacity of 210,000 bpd
       fruition.         ria would need a refining capacity of around  while the Warri and Kaduna units have capaci-
                         1.52mn barrels per day (bpd) to meet its gasoline  ties of 125,000 bpd and 110,000 bpd, respectively.
       WHAT NEXT:        demand in the next four years.         “The NNPC refineries’ 445,000 BPSD and
       Nigeria’s transition is to   He said: “As Nigeria’s demand for petroleum  Dangote Refinery’s 650,000 BPSD running at
       move to improved self-  products is expected to grow from 15.1mn  60% and nameplate capacity, respectively, would
       reliance and improved   tonnes in 2020 to 17.3mn tonnes by 2025, the  supply 76% of that requirement, leaving a short-
       connectivity between   country needs a refining capacity of about  fall of about 17mn litres per day of PMS,” Kyari
       producing and consuming   1.52mn barrels per stream day (bpsd), to meet its  said.
       areas.            [premium motor spirit (gasoline)] requirement   According to a research note issued this
                         in the next four years.”             week by UK-based consultancy IGM Energy,
                           Given that current active throughput capacity  overhaul work and projects covered by active

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