Page 17 - DMEA Week 43 2021
P. 17

DMEA                                       NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       COMPANIES                           or potentially longer term. But our immediate   Iran struggles to relaunch
                                           priority is meeting the needs within the KRI
       Crescent may export                 and then of course potentially the rest of Iraq.”  petrol stations
       Kurdish gas in 5 years                                                   Iran struggled Wednesday to restart its petrol
                                                                                distribution system after it was hit by an
       UAE’s Crescent Petroleum and its partners   FUELS                        unprecedented cyber-attack which security
       in the Pearl Petroleum consortium may start                              officials said was launched from abroad.
       exporting gas from Iraq’s semi-autonomous   Egypt to supply Lebanon        The unclaimed attack crippled the
       Kurdistan region in less than five years after                           country’s system of government-issued
       meeting local needs, CEO Majid Jafar told   with gas                     electronic cards which motorists use to
       S&P Global Platts.                                                       purchase heavily subsidised fuel.
         “The potential for gas export is there on   Egyptian Petroleum Minister Tarek El Molla   Long queues have formed outside petrol
       the longer-term, it depends on the demand,   met with his Lebanese counterpart Walid   stations, angering motorists in a country
       of course, in Turkey and onto Europe,” Jafar   Fayad to discussion arrangements for the   already suffering under tough economic
       said in a recent interview. “Long-term could   delivery of Egyptian natural gas to Lebanon   sanctions over its nuclear dispute with major
       be sooner (than five years) depending on the   via the Arab Gas Pipeline, the ministry said in   powers.
       demand and pace of development. But our   a statement.                     “Guys, can you tell me where we can get
       priority is meeting the domestic needs first in   The two ministers followed up on the   gasoline in the east, northeast or even north of
       the Kurdistan Region and the rest of Iraq.”  course of the intensive meetings held by   Tehran?” one user asked on Twitter.
         Pearl Petroleum Co., the consortium led   executives from the oil and gas sector in both   Of Iran’s 4,300 petrol stations connected to
       by UAE’s Dana Gas and Crescent, is currently   countries via video conference to finalise all   the system, only 220 had been reconnected,
       developing the Khor Mor field in a two-phase   the details related to the agreements for the   Fatemeh Kahi, a spokeswoman for the
       expansion that targets ramping up total output  supply of natural gas and to agree on a gas   National Oil Products Distribution
       to about 1 Bcf/d from around 440 MMcf/d   delivery timetable.            Company, told the official IRNA news agency
       now.                                  The 10bn cubic metre capacity Arab Gas   Wednesday.
         The consortium in September signed a   Pipeline runs from the city of el-Arish in   However, she added, “nearly 3,000 stations
       $250 million financing agreement with the US   Egypt to Aqaba in Jordan. It continues north   can distribute fuel offline, but at the open
       International Development Finance Corp. to   to Rehab, where it supplies gas to Jordanian   price” - the rate consumers must pay once
       help the Khor Mor expansion. The first 250   power plants before continuing to Syria,   they have used up their monthly allowance of
       MMcf/d project will be operational in April   where it crosses the boarder and connects   subsidised fuel.
       2023, with nearly a one-year delay that was   with the city of Homs with an extension to the   The conservative Fars news agency on
       caused by the COVID-19 restrictions in 2020.   Lebanese city of Tripoli.  Tuesday linked the breakdown to opponents
       The second 250 MMcf/d may start in less   Egypt plans to stop gas supplies to the   ahead of the second anniversary of deadly
       than two years after the one currently under   Egypt Liquefied Natural Gas export terminal   protests sparked by a hike in petrol prices.
       implementation, Jafar said.         at Idku near Alexandria immediately and it   Fars reported that “a campaign carried out
         “We have identified that the domestic   will supply gas to the Damietta LNG plant   by counter-revolutionary media” ahead of the
       market within the KRI (Kurdistan Region   only until the end of this year as it prepares   November 15, 2019 anniversary “reinforces
       of Iraq) is in excess of 1 bcf/d,” said Jafar.   to redirect surplus gas exports to Lebanon via   the possibility of a cyber attack.”
       “There has been interest from the federal   the Arab Gas Pipeline.         On that date two years ago the
       government in Iraq in purchasing gas from   BNE                          announcement of a sudden increase in fuel
       Khor Mor, whether that is short-term supplies                            prices triggered protests in dozens of locations

       Week 43   28•October•2021                www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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