Page 18 - DMEA Week 43 2021
P. 18

DMEA                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       across the country.                 flowing to Spain, either through the Medgaz   GIP says will not bid
         It was Iran’s most vocal eruption of public   pipeline or via direct tanker shipments of
       dissent in a decade.                LNG.                                 for Saudi Aramco’s gas
       AFP                                    The upcoming lapse of the 25-year transit
                                           agreement has also sparked worries in   pipelines
                                           Morocco, which has been receiving a portion
       PIPELINES                           of the Algerian gas pumped through its   Private equity firm Global Infrastructure
                                           section of GME.                      Partners (GIP) will not bid for Saudi Aramco’s
       Gas shipments via GME to            exploring various options to meet the   gas pipeline assets but is looking at other
                                              Officials in Rabat have said they are
                                                                                assets in the region, GIP founding partner
       stop by November 1                  country’s energy needs in the absence of   Matthew Harris said on Wednesday.
                                                                                  There are other candidates for such
                                           Algerian deliveries, including the construction
       Spanish gas importers are reportedly   of new gas storage facilities and the reversal of   opportunities in the region, including Qatar,
       expecting Algeria to stop delivering natural   the Moroccan portion of the GME pipeline to   Kuwait and Oman, Harris told Reuters
       gas via the Gaz-Maghreb-Europe (GME)   facilitate imports of gas from other regions.  on the sidelines of the Future Investment
       pipeline by the beginning of November.  Questions about the fate of Algerian gas   Initiative conference in Riyadh. Investment
         According to data published last week by   shipments to Spain have been mounting   opportunities exist in oil infrastructure, gas
       Enagas (Spain), gas importers have taken   since late September, when Algiers broke off   and LNG assets, he said. Saudi Aramco is
       note of Algeria’s decision not to renew its   relations with Rabat following a diplomatic   looking to raise at least $17 billion from the
       25-year transit agreement with neighbouring   dispute over the US government’s recognition   sale of a significant minority stake in its gas
       Morocco, which is due to expire on October   of Moroccan sovereignty over Western Sahara.  pipelines, sources previously told Reuters.
       31. As such, they have placed no orders (also   US authorities took this step with the aim   Reuters reported in August that companies
       known as “nominations”) to reserve capacity   of rewarding Morocco for its recognition   that have been in talks for Aramco’s gas
       in the GME pipeline after November 1.  of the state of Israel. These developments   pipeline assets include Global Infrastructure
         Algeria remains Spain’s largest single   have met with a chilly reception in Algeria,   Partners (GIP), Brookfield and Singapore
       source of gas, accounting roughly 30% of   which has hosted Western Sahara’s Polisario   sovereign wealth fund GIC.
       all supplies in the Iberian country. As such,   independence movement in the past, and   Aramco and other Gulf oil producers are
       Algiers’ decision not to continue gas deliveries   Algiers has been accusing Rabat of hostile   following Abu Dhabi and its plans to raise tens
       to the Moroccan market has sparked concern   actions ever since.         of billions of dollars through sales of stakes
       in Madrid and heightened worries about   NEWSBASE                        in energy assets, capitalising on a rebound in
       pan-European gas shortages. Algerian officials                           crude prices to attract foreign investors.
       have said, though, that gas will continue                                REUTERS

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