Page 17 - MEOG Week 23
P. 17

MEOG                                       n e W s  I n br I ef                                       MEOG

                                           Iran flies in COVID-19               to extend a rally in oil while they also limit
       P o LIC y                                                                own, adding weight to efforts by producers
       Saudi makes largest oil             aid to firm alliance with            supply.
                                                                                  Government-owned producer Abu Dhabi
       price increase in 20 years Venezuela                                     National Oil Co. (ADNOC) raised July
                                                                                pricing for its flagship grade by $5.45 a barrel,
       saudi Arabia made some of the biggest price   Iran on June 8 continued strengthening ties   according to a statement on Monday.
       increases for crude oil exports in 20 years,   with a fellow foe of the Us, Venezuela, with   Murban swung to a premium over the
       doubling down on its strategy to bolster the   the delivery of humanitarian aid to assist   benchmark from a discount for the first time
       oil market after OPEC+ producers extended   Caracas in battling the country’s coronavirus   since March, when saudi Arabia sparked a
       output cuts.                        (COVID-19) outbreak.                 brief if devastating price war.
         The increases for saudi crude oil erase   The growing cooperation of Iran with   Crude markets have tightened since the
       almost all of the discounts that the Kingdom   a country in the backyard of the Us is an   OPEC+ alliance agreed in April to make
       made during its recent price war with Russia.   increasing thorn in the side of the trump   unprecedented cuts in output as demand
       The sharp price increases show that saudi   administration. Iran, struggling to sell   plunged amid the coronavirus. The producers,
       Arabia is using all the tools at its disposal   meaningful quantities of oil and petroleum   including the United Arab Emirates, of which
       to turn around the oil market after prices   products because of heavy Us sanctions,   Abu Dhabi is the capital, decided on saturday
       plunged into negative territory in April.  has lately become an emergency supplier   to extend those cuts for another month
         saudi Arabia sells its crude oil at a   of gasoline to fuel-starved Venezuela. The   through July.
       differential to oil benchmarks, announcing   Venezuelans have been left unable to produce   Brent crude, down about 37 per cent this
       every month the discount or premium it’s   fuel because of the ill-effects of Us sanctions   year, has clawed its way back to more than $40
       charging to global refiners. The so-called   on the maintenance of their refining industry   a barrel this month.
       official selling prices help set the tone in the   amid a growing economic crisis.  saudi Arabia, de facto leader of the
       physical oil market, where actual barrels   “Right now, what we are receiving [via   Organization of Petroleum Exporting
       change hands.                       flights from Iran] is different types of   Countries, increased its pricing on sunday,
         With China’s demand for crude oil rising,   testing kits,” Venezuelan planning minister   exceeding market expectations and causing
       the saudis are raising prices. The month-on-  Ricardo Menendez said on state television,   refiners to worry about their profit margins.
       month increase in the official selling price   while standing on a runway at the country’s   state-run saudi Aramco sees “good
       for flagship Arab Light crude to Asia, which   Maiquetia airport near what appeared to be   indicators that demand is coming back and
       accounts for more than half of saudi oil sales,   boxes piled on pallets.  thriving,” saudi Energy Minister Prince
       is the largest in at least 20 years. saudi Aramco   Iranian ambassador to Venezuela,   Abdulaziz bin salman said on Monday at a
       raised Arab Light to Asia by $6.10 U.s. a   Hojjatollah soltani, said: “today we are seeing   news briefing.
       barrel to a premium of 20 cents U.s. over the   the arrival of these materials to strengthen   Aramco is the first Persian Gulf producer
       benchmark.                          Venezuela in its fight against coronavirus.”  to announce pricing each month, and it
         tighter crude supply is helping repair   bne                           generally sets the trend for roughly 14 million
       an oil market battered by the coronavirus.                               barrels a day of crude exports from the region.
       Unprecedented output cuts led by the saudis   Abu Dhabi follows Saudis in   The saudi increases for July all but erased the
       and Russia boosted prices in May, and the                                pricing cuts and discounts that the producer
       OPEC+ group decided saturday to extend   raising crude prices amid       offered during the earlier price war.
       those limits through July. Brent crude, down                               ADNOC first began publishing forward
       36% this year, has clawed back some of its   OPEC+ cuts                  pricing for sales in March as the pandemic
       losses and ended trading last Friday at more                             was crippling demand for crude.
       than $40 U.s. a barrel.             Abu Dhabi boosted pricing for its main   Murban for March sold at a $1.88 premium
       menafn                              Murban crude grade one day after saudi   over the regional benchmark before plunging
                                           Arabia posted sharply higher prices of its   to discounts. For July, it will sell at a $1
                                                                                  The UAE is OPEC’s third-largest producer,
                                                                                and Abu Dhabi holds most of the country’s
                                                                                GULf bUsIness

                                                                                G as
                                                                                Iran expects gas flows to

                                                                                Turkey to resume by mid-


                                                                                Iran anticipates that its gas exports to
                                                                                turkey—stalled since March 31 after a

       Week 23   10•May•2020                    www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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