Page 18 - MEOG Week 23
P. 18

MEOG                                         n e W s  I n br I ef                                      MEOG

                                                                                underprivileged families.
                                                                                  There are currently 2,400 CNG stations
                                                                                across Iran that supply 22 percent of the
                                                                                country’s fuel basket.
                                                                                  Iranian Oil Ministry considers CNG as the
                                                                                national fuel, therefore, in order to increase
                                                                                the share of this fuel in the country’s energy
                                                                                basket, it is planned to turn 1.46 million
                                                                                public vehicles into dual-fuel cars, which can
                                                                                increase CNG consumption by 10 mcm per
                                                                                  Back in May, NIOPDC announced that
       cross-border pipeline was put of service by   imports of liquefied natural gas (LNG) in   the necessary infrastructure is prepared for
       an explosion—will resume by mid-July at   recent months, including from the Us, and   developing the CNG sector to be able to
       the latest, a senior Iranian gas official was   the word on the market is that the LNG has   distribute 30 mcm per day of gas across the
       quoted as saying on June 7 by the Iranian oil   been secured at prices substantially below the   country.
       ministry-controlled shana news agency.  gas contract price with Iran. According to data   “The Oil Ministry and National Iranian Oil
         Mehdi Jamshidi-Dana, former director for   from s&P Global Platts Analytics, turkey has   Products Distribution Company have created
       dispatching at state-owned National Iranian   taken 24 cargoes of Us LNG already in 2020,   the infrastructure for the development of the
       Gas Company (NIGC) and presently interim   compared with 13 for the whole of 2019 and   CNG industry, only in the conversion sector
       caretaker of its Gas transfer Company, added   just four in 2018.        development measures should be taken,”
       that NIGC has rejected a claim from turkey   bne                         an official with the company told shana.
       that the suspension of supplies represented a                            Hamid Qasemi Dahcheshmeh noted that Oil
       force majeure event, meaning Ankara could   Monthly consumption of       Ministry has been supportive of the industry
       avoid paying for gas not taken under the two                             since very beginning through supporting the
       sides’ 25-year take-or-pay contract that came   CNG falls 40% in Iran    production of CNG-powered engines and
       into effect 19 years ago.                                                converting automobile plants to produce dual-
         “We predict that the repair of the Iran-  Consumption of compressed natural gas   fuel cars in this regard.
       turkey gas pipeline will end in the [Persian]   (CNG) in Iran dropped 40 percent during the   “In the previous years, 920,000 vehicles
       month of tir [June 21-July 21] and gas flow   first month of the current Iranian calendar   were converted through the Oil Ministry’s
       will resume,” he was also cited as saying.   year (March 20-April 19) from its preceding   direct contracts,” he added.
       Repairs to the pipeline had still not been   month, IRNA reported.       tehran tImes
       completed despite work following such   According to Mohammad-Hossein
       incidents usually taking around three to seven   Bagheri, the acting operator of National
       days, Jamshidi-Dana said recently.  Iranian Oil Refining and Distribution   ser VIC es
         “Iran has announced in writing that it does   Company (NIORDC)’s CNG projects, the
       not accept this is a force majeure event. In   consumption of the mentioned fuel declined   Kuwait’s HEISCO to execute
       several correspondences, we said Iran is ready   due to the travel restrictions following the
       to repair this pipeline within eight days but   coronavirus outbreak. “With the reduction   $3.57mln pipeline works for
       the turkish side didn’t welcome that,” he said   of restrictions and the reopening of most
       in his latest comments on the matter. turkey’s   businesses, we are expecting an increase in   KOC
       energy ministry and gas importer Botas were   CNG consumption and a return to pre-corona
       yet to give a status update on progress in   levels,” Bagheri told IRNA.  Heavy Engineering Industries and
       repairing the pipeline.                Noting that CNG in the country had   shipbuilding Company (HEIsCO) has
         turkey imported 7.7bn cubic metres   increased to nearly 24 million cubic meters   signed a subcontract with the main
       (bcm) of gas from Iran in 2019, equivalent   (mcm) back in February following the   contractor of Kuwait Oil Company (KOC)
       to around 17% of its total gas imports. The   implementation of the gasoline rationing   for manufacturing and dyeing works for gas
       long-term contract allows Ankara to buy up   scheme, the official said following the   pipelines, at a total value of KWD 1.1 million.
       to 9.6bcm/year. Jamshidi-Dana warned that   coronavirus outbreak and implementation of   The eight-month deal will contribute
       Iran could take the issue of the unresolved   restrictions on travel in March, average CNG   to a new pipeline construction project for
       repairs and claimed force majeure to   consumption fell to 20.8 mcm per day.  transporting gas from the north of Kuwait
       international arbitration if it was not dealt   According to the official, CNG   to Mina Al Ahmadi Refinery, according to a
       with satisfactorily.                consumption increased again in the second   bourse statement on Monday.
         However, he also emphasised that a   month of Ordibehesht (April 20-May 19) after   According to the disclosure, the
       “friendly relationship and professional acting   the travel bans were lifted.  transaction will generate operating profits that
       by turkey” would mean tehran would not   Iran’s CNG consumption stood at 19 mcm   will reflect on HEIsCO’s financial statements
       take the matter that far. talks for an extension   per day before the implementation of the fuel   for fiscal year (FY) 2020/2021.
       of the contract, meanwhile, were under way,   rationing scheme.            Last year, HEIsCO’s net earnings advanced
       but have been slowed by the coronavirus   In mid-November 2019, the Iranian   by 16.4% annually to reach KWD 11.2 million
       (COVID-19) pandemic situation, according   government started rationing of subsidized   from KWD 9.6 million in 2018.
       to Jamshidi-Dana’s reported comments.   gasoline and increased fuel prices as it   mUbasher
         turkey has been greatly stepping up   plans to use the revenue for supporting

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 23   10•May•2020
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