Page 11 - DMEA Week 24 2021
P. 11

DMEA                                  FINANCE & INVESTMENT                                            DMEA

       Aramco maintains finance push

        MIDDLE EAST      SAUDI Aramco last week raised $6bn via its  maintenance and for making rate payments for
                         first dollar-denominated sukuk and is reported  crude transferred through the extensive pipeline
                         to have hired Morgan Stanley to advise on an  network.
                         upcoming asset monetisation deal.      While talks are understood to be prelim-
                           The mainly state-owned company sold bonds  inary at the moment, Middle East Oil & Gas
                         in three tranches, attracting orders with a com-  (MEOG) understands from company sources
                         bined value of more than $60bn as it surpassed  that the success of the oil conduit deal has given
                         the reported sukuk target of $5bn. The funds are  Aramco confidence to “copy & paste” the same
                         likely to be used in part to cover a portion of Ara-  lease-out-and-lease-back formula used before
                         mco’s upcoming quarterly $18.75bn payment.  on the gas pipelines. The sources said that the
                           $1bn of three-year bonds were sold at 65 basis  company is keen to emulate or improve upon the
                         points (bps) over US Treasuries (UST), a $2bn  results achieved by Abu Dhabi National Oil Co.
                         five-year tranche was sold at 85 bps over UST  (ADNOC), which leased 49% stakes in ADNOC
                         with $3bn of 10-year bonds fetching 120 bps over  Oil Pipelines and ADNOC Gas Pipelines for
                         UST, significantly below guidance on account of  over the past two years for $4.9bn and $10.1bn
                         the high demand.                     respectively.
                           Aramco hired 13 banks to lead the sukuk:   Aramco’s Master Gas System network has a
                         Alinma Invest, Al Rajhi Capital, BNP Paribas,  total current capacity of 9.6bn cubic feet (272mn
                         Citi, First Abu Dhabi Bank, Goldman Sachs  cubic metres) per day following an expansion in
                         International, HSBC, JPMorgan, Morgan Stan-  2017 and 2018.
                         ley, NCB Capital, Riyad Capital, SMBC Nikko   An additional expansion phase was due to be
                         and Standard Chartered.              completed in 2019, taking total capacity to 12.5
                                                              bcf (354 mcm) per day through an additional
                         Gas deal adviser                     1,600 km of pipelines to increase gas supplies to
                         Meanwhile, Bloomberg quoted sources familiar  the Red Sea coast.
                         with proceedings as saying that Morgan Stan-  However, articles on the Aramco website
                         ley had been appointed as the lead adviser on a  in October 2020 said that the “next phase”
                         deal to monetise its gas pipeline infrastructure  remained under construction, noting the addi-
                         in much the same way it did with its oil pipeline  tion of 821 km of new pipelines, just over half
                         business earlier this year.          the amount expected when it released its 2017
                           In April, the company successfully closed a  annual report. According to Aramco, “the total
                         $12.4bn deal for a consortium led by EIG Global  length [of] pipeline in service, ready for com-
                         Partners to acquire a 49% stake in Aramco Oil  missioning or decommissioned is 3,850 km, and
                         Pipelines Co. (AOPC) for a duration of 25 years.  pipelines under construction totals an additional
                         Under the deal, the Saudi firm will be liable for all  1,075 km”.™

                                                                                                  Saudi Aramco’s gas
                                                                                                  fields and infrastructure.

                                                                                                  Source: Aramco

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