Page 16 - DMEA Week 24 2021
P. 16

DMEA                                   TERMINALS & SHIPPING                                            DMEA

       DPR head unveils

       micro-LNG initiative

        AFRICA           NIGERIA’S government is sponsoring plans for  where it can be transported to any [location].
                         the establishment of hundreds of small-scale  With that strategy, energy security for this
                         LNG distribution centres across the country.  country [can be] achieved through the virtual
                           According to Sarki Auwalu, the director of  pipelines,” he said, according to a statement pub-
                         the Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR),  lished by DPR.
                         Abuja wants to establish a total of 774 such cen-  Auwalu did not comment on the cost of the
                         tres, one for each of Nigeria’s local government  micro-LNG initiative or say how much gas the
                         areas.                               trucks might be able to deliver to consumers.
                           “DPR has developed a project we call Project   Nor did he specify when gas might begin
                         774. The aim of this project is to ensure that each  arriving at the local distribution centres within
                         and every [administrative division has] a gas  the framework of this programme.
                         [regasification] and distribution centre with a   However, he did state that the project would
                         micro-distribution centre,” he said on the side-  support the Nigerian government’s efforts to
                         lines of the Nigeria International Petroleum  promote the domestic utilisation, consumption
                         Summit (NIPS) last week.             and commercialisation of natural gas and gas
                           Trucks will be used to transport LNG to the  associated with oil production.
                         distribution centres and also regasify it, Auwalu   Abuja has dubbed the 2021-2030 period the
                         added.                               “decade of gas,” and the country is now work-
                           As such, they will be able to serve as vir-  ing to increase its reserves, develop new fields,
                         tual pipelines, bringing natural gas to areas of  expand infrastructure and reduce flaring, he
                         the country that are not yet connected to any  stated.
                         transportation or distribution pipelines, he   Success on this front is expected to create new
                         commented.                           jobs while also contributing to economic growth,
                           “We have capabilities to have mini-LNG  he added.™

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 24   17•June•2021
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