Page 7 - FSUOGM Week 27 2021
P. 7

FSUOGM                                       COMMENTARY                                            FSUOGM

       Floodgates open as more IOCs

       seek to sell Iraq assets

       Iraq’s Oil Minister this week said that more IOCs are looking to sell their

       assets in the country as Exxon heads for the door

        IRAQ             BAGHDAD’S efforts to bring about a signifi-  fees of any of the rates agreed during Iraq’s first
                         cant increase in oil production suffered another  four bid rounds between 2009 and 2012.
       WHAT:             major setback this week as the country’s oil min-  With a maximum remuneration fee of $1.15
       BP and Lukoil are   ister said more IOCs are keen to reduce their  per barrel, according to Wood Mackenzie,
       reported to be looking   exposure or withdraw from Iraq altogether.  Lukoil’s net profit from WQ-2 is just $0.56 per
       to withdraw from their   The news comes amid efforts by the federal  barrel of oil equivalent when considering state
       major Iraqi projects as   government to study ways in which the terms  equity interest and tax, with this dropping to
       issues come to a head.  of contracts with foreign developers may be  $0.19 per boe after applying the performance
                         improved to make working in the country more  factor.
       WHY:              attractive.                            In late May, Lukoil began a three-well pilot oil
       Concerns about ESG,                                    production programme targeting the Yamama
       instability, corruption   Heading for the exit         formation at WQ-2 to produce 10,000 bpd per
       and contract terms are   Speaking in a video addressed to MPs that was  well over the next three months.
       all understood to have   posted on Ministry of Oil (MoO) social media   WQ-2 has a current production capacity of
       played a part in the   page, Ihsan Abdul Jabbar said: “The existing  around 400,000 bpd from the Mishrif formation,
       decisions.        investment environment in Iraq is inappropri-  though Lukoil reported recently that Q1 pro-
                         ate to keep the major investors. All major inves-  duction averaged just 307,500 bpd on account of
       WHAT NEXT:        tors are either looking for another market or for  compliance with OPEC+ output cuts.
       Iraq is undertaking a   another partner. We, as an investment environ-  The company has plans to raise this by a fur-
       study of its contracts with   ment, are inappropriate for major partners.”  ther 350,000 bpd through its Phase 3 Yamama
       international operators,   He added that Lukoil had informed him of its  expansion and another 50,000 bpd to be added
       but may not be able to   intention to sell its 75% stake in the technical ser-  from the Mishrif, taking total output capacity to
       make the amendments   vice contract (TSC) for the West Qurna-2 oilfield  800,000 bpd by 2025.
       required to bring about a   to Chinese companies and that BP intends to   However, Lukoil is believed to be dragging
       change in fortunes.  withdraw from the Rumaila Operating Organ-  its heels on the Mishrif expansion and a final
                         isation (ROO).                       investment decision (FID) is yet to be taken on
                                                              Yamama as the company pushes the MoO for an
                         Lukoil                               improvement to the maximum remuneration
                         Lukoil is understood to have grown frustrated by  fee of $1.15 per barrel stipulated by the contract
                         OPEC+ quotas and the terms of its TSC, which  signed in January 2010.
                         provides the Russian company with the lowest   In addition to the unfavourable terms,

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