Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 37
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NorthAmOil                                         NRG                                           NorthAmOil

                           The refineries have long been a drag on state-  35-2 oilfield. The S1 area’s production facilities
                         owned NNPC’s operations. They have been  include an unmanned wellhead platform, which
                         operating at far below capacity, partly because of  has been tied back to Nanbao 35-2’s existing pro-
                         underinvestment and maintenance-related issues  duction infrastructure. The project is located at
                         and partly because of damage to the pipeline net-  an average water depth of 17 metres.
                         works that supply the plants with feedstock. Com-  CNOOC Ltd said at the start of the year it
                         pany data show that the plants processed almost no  aimed to bring on stream eight domestic projects
                         crude oil during the 13-month period ending on  as well as two overseas developments.
                         June 30, even as they sustained operating costs of   The domestic projects included the Penglai
                         $367mn.                              19-3 oilfield Block 4 adjustment/Penglai19-9 oil-
                           Meanwhile, Tullow Oil (UK/Ireland) is revising  field phase II, Qinhuangdao 33-1 South oilfield
                         its Kenyan programme. The company has put plans  phase I, Bozhong 19-6 natural gas field pilot area,
                         for unloading part of its stake in Blocks 10BB and  Luda 16-3/21-2 joint development project, Nan-
                         13T on hold, and Kenya’s government has agreed  bao 35-2 oilfield S1 area, Jinzhou 25-1 oilfield
                         to extend the term of its exploration licence by 15  6/11 area, Liuhua 29-1 gas field development
                         months. Officials in Nairobi now expect Tullow to  project and Liuhua 16-2 oilfield/20-2 oilfield
                         use the extra time to update its field development  joint development.
                         plan (FDP) for the blocks, which lies in the South   CNOOC Ltd said in January that its projected
                         Lokichar Basin. (They have also granted the com-  capital expenditure was CNY85-95bn ($12.49-
                         pany a number of new tax breaks, according to local  13.95bn) and that it would drill 227 exploration
                         press reports.)                      wells and collect around 27,000 square km of 3D
                           Also in East Africa, Ugandan President Yoweri  seismic data. The company has since trimmed its
                         Museveni and his Tanzanian counterpart John  planned capex by 11% to CNY75-85bn ($11.02-
                         Magufuli witnessed the signing of documents  12.49bn), with the majority of cuts targeting
                         on the planned East African Crude Oil Pipeline  foreign ventures. However, some reduction in
                         (EACOP) project last week. As they did so, Ugan-  domestic spending and output is expected.
                         dan news agencies reported that France’s Total had   The S1 area is understood to be the company’s
                         agreed to resume the acquisition of land along the  fourth Bohai project to be brought on stream this
                         planned route of the pipeline.       year, with reports suggesting that both drilling
                                                              in the Bozhong 19-6 natural gas discovery and
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping   construction of onshore facilities for the Jinzhou
                         Africa’s oil and gas sector then please click here for   25-1 oilfield 6/11 area are underway.
                         NewsBase’s AfrOil Monitor .            CNOOC Ltd is not the only state major to
                                                              be favouring domestic projects over interna-
                         Asia: CNOOC brings new shallow-water oil-  tional assets, with both PetroChina and Sinopec
                         field onstream                       announcing similar capex cutting strategies. The
                         State-run CNOOC Ltd has started production  central government has called on the country’s
                         from the Nanbao 35-2 oilfield’s S1 area, which  oil and gas producers to boost output in order to
                         lies in the shallow waters offshore eastern China.  safeguard the country’s energy security.
                           CNOOC Ltd said on September 11 that it
                         intends to drill three development wells and   If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         boost crude oil production to a peak of around   Asia’s oil and gas sector then please click here for
                         1,800 barrels per day (bpd) in 2021.  NewsBase’s AsianOil Monitor .
                           The company, which is the listed arm of
                         state-owned China National Offshore Oil  DMEA: Iraq stays the course
                         Corp. (CNOOC), owns 100% of the Nanbao  Nigerian National Petroleum Corp. (NNPC)

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