Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 37
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                           Given the extent of the damage in Lake  the loading of tankers on September 13, with
                         Charles, refiners will be relieved to have been  the onshore Port of New Orleans shutting the
                         largely out of Hurricane Sally’s way. They  following day. Both ports have since resumed
                         include Royal Dutch Shell, despite the com-  operations.
                         pany’s presence in Mobile, Alabama. Shell was
                         reported to have cut production to minimum  What next?
                         levels at refineries in both Mobile and Norco,  The outages helped to push up crude prices,
                         Louisiana. The super-major carried out an  which had been declining again recently amid
                         inspection of the Mobile plant following Sal-  strengthening supply and weak demand. Indeed,
                         ly’s landfall on September 16 and did not find  the US and Canada are among the countries
                         serious damage.                      whose recovering oil production has been con-
                           The same day, Reuters quoted a Chevron  tributing to recent price weakness. But as of Sep-
                         spokesman as saying that the company’s 356,400  tember 16, West Texas Intermediate (WTI) had
                         bpd Pascagoula refinery in Mississippi – around  risen back above $40 per barrel, also pushed up
                         50 miles (80 km) west of where the storm made  by a drawdown in crude and gasoline inventories
                         landfall – had run through the night.  that had started prior to this week’s disruption in
                                                              the Gulf region.
                         Offshore outages                      US Energy Information Administration (EIA)
                         The US Bureau of Safety and Environmental  data showed that in the week up to September
                         Enforcement (BSEE) reported on September 14  11, the country’s crude inventories fell by 4.4mn
                         that personnel had been evacuated from a total  barrels compared with the previous week. Ana-  By September
                         of 147 production platforms, or 22.86% of the  lysts polled by Reuters had anticipated a 1.3mn
                         643 manned platforms in the Gulf. Three rigs –  barrel increase.             16, after
                         or 30% of the 10 non-dynamically positioned   US gasoline stocks, meanwhile, fell by 400,000   Hurricane Sally
                         rigs – had also been evacuated, while two had  barrels compared with the previous week, which
                         moved off location and out of the storm’s path.  was more than double the draw forecast.  made landfall,
                           By September 16, after Hurricane Sally made   While the outages caused by Hurricane Sally
                         landfall, personnel started returning to some  are not expected to be long-lasting, they have  personnel started
                         of the evacuated platforms. That day, the BSEE  helped give the US oil industry some breathing
                         reported that only 119 platforms – or 18.51%  space – at least as far as prices go – at a time of   returning to some
                         of all manned platforms in the Gulf – remained  mounting jitters over demand weakness.  of the evacuated
                         evacuated. However, shut-in production vol-  This has been a particularly busy Atlantic hur-
                         umes were reported to have risen from earlier  ricane season. Following the formation of Trop-  platforms.
                         in the week.                         ical Storm Teddy and Tropical Storm Vicky this
                           The BSEE estimated that as of September  week, there have now been 20 named storms,
                         16, around 27.48% of Gulf oil production and  and only one more name – Wilfred – is left on
                         roughly 29.70% of the region’s gas output was  this year’s list.
                         still shut in as of that morning. This equates to   The letters of the Greek alphabet are set to be
                         508,366 bpd of oil and 805mn cubic feet (22.8  used to name any further storms that may form
                         mcm) per day of gas that has been taken offline.  over the remainder of this year. But Gulf produc-
                           The Louisiana Offshore Oil Port (LOOP), the  ers and coastal refiners will be hoping that this
                         US’ sole offshore export terminal, suspended  will not be necessary.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 37   17•September•2020
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