Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 37
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NorthAmOil                           PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                       NorthAmOil

       Inter Pipeline restores service on Polaris

        ALBERTA          CANADA’S Inter Pipeline has announced that  to normal rates now that service on Polaris had
                         service on its Polaris pipeline system in Alberta  resumed.
                         has been restored. The 865,000 barrel per day   Imperial added that the production impact
                         (bpd) pipeline, which supplies ultra-light oil  of the pipeline outage was still being determined
                         from Edmonton to oil sands facilities to be used  and would be updated at a later date.
                         as a diluent in bitumen transport, had been   Separately, on September 3, Inter Pipe-
                         offline since August 29, when a leak was detected.  line reported that it had restored service to the
                           In a September 14 statement, Inter Pipeline  Hangingstone project, which is jointly owned by
                         said the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) had  Japan Canada Oil Sands (JACOS) and China’s
                         approved the installation of a roughly 400-metre  CNOOC Ltd.
                         bypass pipeline that enables the western portion   Inter Pipeline’s Corridor system had also ini-
                         of the Polaris pipeline to resume operations.  tially been taken offline when the leak was first
                         Repair work on the pipeline continues, as does  discovered, but restarted on August 31 once the
                         an investigation into the cause of the leak.  Polaris segment responsible for the leak was
                           The outage on Polaris had disrupted certain  identified.
                         oil sands operations. On September 2, Exxon-  The  spill  that  resulted  from  the  leak  is
                         Mobil subsidiary Imperial Oil announced that  reported to have amounted to 90 cubic metres
                         it was shutting down production at its 220,000  (566 barrels) of light oil, and occurred 80 metres
                         bpd Kearl facility as a result of the pipeline  from a wetland and 1 km from the Clearwater
                         outage. This week, Imperial issued an update  River. Inter Pipeline reported earlier this month
                         saying it was ramping output at Kearl back up  that clean-up efforts were “progressing well”.™


       Abu Dhabi’s sovereign wealth

       fund buys into Cheniere

        US-UAE           THE Abu Dhabi Investment Authority (ADIA)  Cheniere Energy Partners to Brookfield Asset
                         – the emirate’s main sovereign wealth fund – has  Management’s infrastructure unit, as well as to
                         disclosed a 5.05% stake in US LNG exporter  its own Blackstone Infrastructure Partners unit.
                         Cheniere Energy. The disclosure came in a  Bloomberg has reported, citing sources familiar
                         September 14 filing with the US Securities and  with the matter, that the deal involved a $34.25
                         Exchange Commission (SEC).           per unit sale price, which puts its overall value
                           The fund’s interest in Cheniere, the US’  at around $7bn. The stake will be split equally
       Cheniere is the US’   leading producer of LNG, consists of around  between Blackstone and Brookfield, with each
       largest LNG exporter.  12.7mn shares and is valued at roughly $615mn,  thus owning almost 21% in Cheniere Energy
                         based on Cheniere’s trading price. According  Partners upon the deal’s completion by the end
                         to Bloomberg, this makes it the fourth-largest  of the third quarter of 2020.
                         shareholder in the US company.         Cheniere itself owns a 48.6% interest in
                           ADIA owns almost $580bn worth of assets  Cheniere Energy Partners. The limited part-
                         and is the world’s third-largest government  nership has no involvement in Cheniere’s other
                         wealth fund, according to the SWF Institute.  liquefaction plant, Corpus Christi LNG in Texas.
                           The fund’s acquisition has emerged as a major   Separately, Cheniere said on September 15
                         stake in Cheniere Energy Partners, a limited  that it had upsized and priced an offering of
                         partnership created by Cheniere to develop and  senior secured notes due in 2028 from the ini-
                         operate the Sabine Pass LNG terminal, as well as  tially announced $1bn to $2bn. The offering is
                         to act as a capital-raising vehicle, and which is  expected to close on September 22.
                         also in the process of changing hands.  The LNG producer’s share price rose above
                           In late August it emerged that Blackstone  $50 on September 16, after news of the ADIA
                         Group is selling its stake of roughly 41% in  stake emerged earlier that day.™

       Week 37   17•September•2020              www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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