Page 18 - NorthAmOil Week 37
P. 18

NorthAmOil                                   NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                of $750mn in the largest polypropylene
                                                                                production line in the Americas, and the first
                                                                                new polypropylene plant in North America
                                                                                since 2008, reflects our enduring commitment
                                                                                to meeting the needs of our clients today and
                                                                                for the long-term. With the upcoming launch
                                                                                of our new Global Export Hub in Charleston,
                                                                                South Carolina, we’ll significantly increase
                                                                                our ability to serve clients throughout North
                                                                                America, South America, Europe, and Asia
                                                                                with our newly expanded US production
                                                                                capability. I would also like to personally
                                                                                thank the entire Braskem team, as well
                                                                                as our design and construction partners,
       Lonestar Resources US               principal amount outstanding under its Notes,   on delivering this milestone project amid
                                           and holders of 100% of its preferred equity
                                                                                a challenging COVID-19 environment.
       announces restructuring             interests.                           Our team member safety is always our top
                                                                                priority and their exceptional performance
                                           LONESTAR RESOURCES US, September 15,
       support agreement                   2020                                 throughout the project is a true testament to
                                                                                their commitment to professional excellence.”
       Lonestar Resources US today announced that                               BRASKEM, September 10, 2020
       it and certain of its direct and indirect wholly-  DOWNSTREAM
       owned domestic subsidiaries have entered
       into a restructuring support agreement with   Braskem successfully       SERVICES
       its largest stakeholders that will eliminate
       approximately $390mn in aggregate debt   launches commercial             Milestone awarded permit
       obligations and preferred equity interests.
         Under the terms of the support agreement,   production at its new      for New Mexico slurry
       approximately $250mn of the company’s
       11.250% Senior Notes due 2023 will be   world class polypropylene  injection oilfield waste
       converted to equity and accrued interest
       thereon will be extinguished. In addition,   production line in La Porte,  disposal facility
       lenders under the Company’s revolving
       credit facility who agree to accept the plan   Texas                     Milestone Environmental Services, the
       (as defined below) will, among other things,                             largest independent provider of oilfield waste
       receive their pro rata share of warrants to   Braskem, the largest polyolefins producer   disposal services in the US, announced
       purchase up to 10% of the new equity interests   in the Americas and leading producer of   today that the New Mexico Oil Conservation
       in the company (subject to dilution only by   biopolymers in the world, today announces   Division (NMOCD) has approved the
       the issuance of new equity interests under a   the successful launch of commercial   company’s permit for an oilfield waste slurry
       management incentive plan (MIP equity),   production at its newest, world-class   injection facility near Jal, in Lea County. The
       revolving loans under the exit revolving credit   polypropylene production line located in La   facility, the first of its kind permitted in New
       facility, and term loans under the second-out   Porte, Texas.            Mexico, required multiple permits from the
       exit term facility. Holders of preferred equity   Braskem’s new line has a production   NMOCD, including a permit to inject oilfield
       interests in the company will receive their pro   capacity of over 450 kilotons (kt) or 1bn   waste and a solid waste management permit.
       rata share of 3% of the new equity interests in   pounds per year and has the capability to   These permits mark Milestone’s first move
       the company (subject to dilution by the MIP   produce the entire polypropylene portfolio   into the New Mexico side of the Permian
       equity and the new warrants) and holders   including a broad range of products including   Basin, the heart of the most prolific oil and gas
       of existing Class A common stock in the   homopolymer, impact copolymer and random  production basin in the United States.
       company will receive their pro rata share of   copolymers. Construction began October   Milestone’s proprietary slurry injection
       1% of the new equity interests in the company   2017 with the final phase of mechanical   process is both an economically efficient
       (subject to dilution by the MIP equity and   construction completed in June 2020. The   and environmentally superior method for
       new warrants).                      launch of commercial production follows the   oilfield waste disposal. Using this process,
         Under the terms of the support agreement,   successful completion of the commissioning   Milestone captures drilling, completion, and
       the debtors would effectuate the proposed   process as well as the achievement of   production waste and reinjects it back into the
       transactions through a prepackaged plan   Braskem’s high product quality assurance   earth through a network of facilities located
       of reorganisation under Chapter 11 of the   protocols.                   throughout the Permian Basin and the Eagle
       US Bankruptcy Code. The company has    Mark Nikolich, Braskem America CEO,   Ford Shale. The reinjection of hydrocarbon-
       already obtained support for the proposed   states: “The launch of commercial production   contaminated waste is a form of permanent
       transactions from lenders holding 100% of   at our new world class polypropylene   carbon sequestration, and thus materially
       the aggregate principal amount outstanding   production line in La Porte clearly affirms   reduces the carbon footprint of oil and gas
       under its revolving credit facility, noteholders   Braskem’s position as the North American   operations. In addition to reducing carbon
       holding approximately 67.1% of the aggregate   polypropylene market leader. Our investment   footprint, Milestone’s disposal methods enable

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                      Week 37   17•September•2020
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