Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 37
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NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       EIA raises 2020 oil price forecast,

       but lowers 2021 outlook

        GLOBAL           THE US Energy Information Administration  coming months, EIA expects high inventory
                         (EIA) has raised its crude price forecast for the  levels and surplus crude oil production capacity
                         whole of 2020. However, it also lowered the price  will limit upward pressure on oil prices,” the EIA
                         forecast for 2021 slightly compared to its previ-  added.
                         ous projections. The agency has also warned of   The agency has also raised its US oil produc-
                         shorter-term production declines beyond Sep-  tion outlook for 2020, while lowering it slightly
                         tember, though it expects output to pick up in the  for 2021. It now expects US crude output to aver-
                         second half of 2021.                 age 11.38mn bpd in 2020 and 11.08mn bpd in
                           In its latest Short-Term Energy Outlook  2021, compared with 11.26mn bpd and 11.14mn
                         (STEO), released last week, the EIA revised its  bpd respectively in the previous forecast. The
                         average Brent spot price forecast for 2020 to  2020 figure will mark a drop from output of
                         $41.90 per barrel and that of West Texas Inter-  12.2mn bpd in 2019.        On a global
                         mediate (WTI) to $38.99 per barrel. This was a   The EIA anticipates US production rising
                         slight upward revision from the August STEO,  to 11.2mn bpd in September as production in   level, the EIA
                         which had average Brent and WTI spot prices for  the Gulf of Mexico returns after outages caused
                         2020 projected at $41.42 per barrel and $30.50  by hurricanes Laura and Sally in recent weeks.  has lowered its
                         per barrel respectively.             However, after September, the agency anticipates
                           At the same time, though, the EIA lowered  that output will decline slightly, averaging just   consumption
                         its 2021 price forecast, and now projects spot  under 11.0mn bpd during the first half of 2021.   growth forecast
                         Brent prices to average $49.07 per barrel next  The EIA attributed this to its expectation that
                         year, compared with a forecast of $49.53 per  new drilling activity will not result in enough   for 2021 by
                         barrel previously. The agency’s 2021 forecast  production to offset declines from existing wells.
                         for WTI has been lowered to $45.07 per bar-  It anticipates that output will subsequently rise to   500,000 bpd
                         rel from $45.70 per barrel in the previous  an average of 11.3mn bpd in the fourth quarter
                         outlook.                             of 2021.                             compared to its
                           The EIA explained that global oil markets had   On a global level, the EIA has lowered its con-  previous outlook.
                         shifted from liquid fuels inventories building at a  sumption growth forecast for 2021 by 500,000
                         rate of 7.2mn barrels per day in the second quar-  bpd compared to its previous outlook, to 99.6mn
                         ter of 2020 to drawing at a rate of 3.7mn bpd in  bpd. This would still mark an increase of 6.5mn
                         the third quarter. It expects inventory draws of  bpd on its 2020 forecast of 93.1mn bpd, how-
                         3.1mn bpd in the fourth quarter, before markets  ever. The downward revision in 2021 was largely
                         become relatively balanced in 2021, with draws  attributed to lower anticipated consumption
                         projected at 300,000 bpd.            growth in China, which the EIA now forecasts
                           “Despite expected inventory draws in the  to grow by 1.0mn bpd next year.™

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