Page 19 - NorthAmOil Week 37
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NorthAmOil NEWS IN BRIEF NorthAmOil
E&P operators to avoid soil and groundwater discounts that typically apply to transactions based (or on-premise) platform with built-in
contamination risks associated with onsite involving the purchase and sale of these types workflow solutions to complete real-time
disposal methods that dispose of waste above of securities.” analytics.
the water table. “Occidental and WES continue to Datagration™ has assembled an
The permitted location is on Highway work together to maximize value for our experienced executive management team
128 just 14 miles west of Jal, New Mexico, in shareholders and unitholders,” said Occidental with a proven record of successfully growing
the Delaware Basin, providing New Mexico President and Chief Executive Officer, and selling global enterprise software. Energy
operators with the opportunity to dispose Vicki Hollub. “This transaction represents a company software industry veterans Peter
of oilfield waste liquids using this carbon significant step towards Occidental’s intention Bernard, Jorge Machnizh, and Ike Epley lead
negative and environmentally advanced to reduce its ownership interest in WES to Datagration’s founding senior management
solution. below 50%, while achieving advantageous team.
MILESTONE ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES, pricing relative to alternative divestiture The PetroVisor™ platform automates
September 15, 2020 options and strengthening WES’ financial numerous operational workflows such as
profile, which in turn benefits Occidental as portfolio management, asset development,
WES’ largest customer and unitholder.” well productivity enhancement, and
MOVES The exchange was reviewed and approved machine learning. Super-majors, national oil
by the partnership’s special committee, which companies, and independents worldwide can
Western Midstream includes only independent members of the easily leverage their data from all incumbent
legacy systems in a collaborative approach,
board of directors of WES’s general partner.
announces exchange of The special committee was advised by ultimately optimising processes, operating
costs, and capital expenditures while
Bracewell as legal counsel, and by Lazard as
Occidental note for Western financial advisor. improving the efficiency of existing personnel.
Utilising the platform ecosystem approach
Midstream units 14, 2020 eliminates legacy data logic dependency and
breaks down existing organisational silos
Today Western Midstream Partners (WES) Quantum Energy Partners to deliver data excellence and continuous
announced the exchange of its 98% interest in operational improvement. Datagration will
the $260mn 6.50% fixed-rate note receivable and Global Reserve Group use a portion of its new funding to build upon
due 2038 from Occidental Petroleum for the PetroVisor platform by adding value-
27.855mn WES common units owned by Lead $11mn financing round enhancing workflow automation solutions for
Occidental. The units will be cancelled upstream operators.
following the exchange. The net effect of this of Datagration Solutions Datagration is a member of the Microsoft
transaction increases WES’s per-annum free “One Commercial Partner Program” and
cash flow after distributions by approximately Quantum Energy Partners and Global Reserve is currently in many worldwide co-sell
$18.1mn based on current per-unit Group have led an $11mn equity financing to opportunities with Microsoft Energy.
annualized distributions. support the growth of Datagration Solutions. Datagration is also in Amazon’s AWS Partner
“This transaction is accretive to free Datagration currently delivers PetroVisor™, Network.
cash flow, which will advance our leverage- an open architecture software platform QUANTUM ENERGY PARTNERS AND GLOBAL
reduction efforts,” said WES chief executive that improves the profitability of upstream RESERVE GROUP, September 16, 2020
officer, Michael Ure. “The exchange also operators by aggregating and integrating
allows both parties to avoid valuation data from disparate systems into one cloud-
Week 37 17•September•2020 www. NEWSBASE .com P19