Page 6 - AsianOil Week 01 2023
P. 6

AsianOil                               PIPELINES & TRANSPORT                                         AsianOil

       Sri Lanka turns to LNG to

       alleviate energy woes

        SRI LANKA        WITH much of the island still reeling from its  terminal had not been given”, after a controver-
                         2022 oil supply woes, the government of Sri  sial deal with New Fortress Energy in the US was
       Sri Lanka is bringing   Lanka has set its sights on relying on a pair of  revealed.
       more gas into the   300-MW LNG power plants to solve its energy   Minister Wijesekera went on to add that even
       mix, after coping with   issues – even though the country currently  though there were “two proposals” and that in
       difficulties with energy   has no terminal at which to offload incoming  2017 a three-way agreement with the govern-
       supply over the past   cargoes.                        ments of India and Japan had been signed, “there
       year.               As a result, the administration of Prime  is another agreement with a company called
                         Minister Dinesh Gunawardena in Colombo is  New Fortress Energy. So we are looking to see
                         looking to India, Japan and also the US to offer  what can be implemented most practically. Next
                         proposals to build a fully operational LNG ter-  steps will be taken accordingly.”
                         minal, according to Power and Energy Minister   The involvement of New Fortress in Sri Lan-
                         Kanchana Wijesekera.                 kan LNG infrastructure is far from new, with the
                           In comments made by the minister,  firm declaring through CEO Wes Edens almost
                         Sri Lanka has already built one 300-MW  a year ago that “NFE can now proceed with our
                         LNG-powered plant called Yugadanavi.  plans to deliver cleaner fuels and more reliable,
                         Located in Kerawalapitiya, just north of the  affordable power to Sri Lanka.”
                         capital, the combined cycle facility will for now   Edens went on to add: “(We) look forward to
                         operate as an independent power producer  partnering with the government of Sri Lanka by
                         (IPP), with commercial operations expected  investing in modern energy infrastructure that
                         to start later in the year.          paves the way for a sustainable and prosperous
                           Another facility to be called Sobadanavi is  future for all Sri Lankans.”
                         now under construction in the same area, with   Fast forward to early 2023, though, and little
                         authorities in Sri Lanka now saying that it will  apparent progress has been made, although Jap-
                         initially be operated along the same IPP lines  anese sources indicate a memorandum of under-
                         as Yugadanavi when it is added to the nation’s  standing (MoU) has been put in place with the
                         energy mix in late 2023, or early 2024.  Japanese government to facilitate construction
                           At present, though, Sri Lanka is devoid of  of a terminal in Kerewalapitiya.
                         import capabilities, although Minister Wijese-  No dates or specific details are yet available,
                         kera said in late December that his ministry will  but the CEB is said to be actively working to pur-
                         “execute a plan in January for infrastructure and  chase land in the area to host the site.
                         supply of LNG.”                        In a similar vein the CEB has initiated talks
                           In making the statement, though, no con-  with India’s National Thermal Power Corp.
                         crete details on contracts having been made with  (NTPC), with discussions ongoing; an issue
                         Indian or Japanese authorities were offered.  Minister Wijesekera alluded to when asked, say-
                           It is understood that the Ceylon Electricity  ing: “I think those companies are talking among
                         Board, Sri Lanka’s government-owned utility,  themselves to operate jointly, as far as I know. We
                         has previously posted a tender looking for an off-  will have to do this with all the companies after
                         shore floating storage regasification unit (FSRU).  all those discussions are over.”
                           Politics intervened, however, with the min-  “There is no firm decision yet. When there is
                         ister offering only a vague “the tender for the  a firm decision we will inform you,” he said. ™

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                        Week 01   06•January•2023
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