Page 14 - MEOG Week 33 2022
P. 14

MEOG                                         NEWS IN BRIEF                                             MEOG

       said Petro-Logistics Chief Executive Daniel   growth,” he said. “We haven’t seen China open   when it next meets on Sept. 5, Al-Ghais said.
       Gerber.                             up exactly -- there’s a strict Covid Zero policy   The group, which has gathered online since
         Kpler, said crude exports in June reached   -- I think that will have an impact when China  the start of the Covid-19 pandemic in early
       950,000 bpd, the highest monthly level in   gets back to full steam.”    2020, aims to have an in-person gathering in
       three years, before dropping in July.  Al-Ghais’ decades of experience at Kuwait   Vienna in December, he said.
         Oil products exports have also been rising   Petroleum Corp. included opening the   “We’ve demonstrated time and time again
       and consultant FGE estimates Iran exported   company’s first Beijing office in 2005.  in the past that we’re willing to do whatever it
       around 790,000 bpd of products in June, and   The OPEC+ alliance surprised traders   takes to do what the market really requires,”
       expects shipments to reach close to 1 million   earlier this month by agreeing on a token   Al-Ghais said.
       bpd by the fourth quarter. More than half was   production increase of just 100,000 barrels   BLOOMBERG
       LPG and fuel oil.                   a day, despite calls for extra supplies by US
       REUTERS                             President Joe Biden, who made a landmark
                                           trip to group leader Saudi Arabia in July.   GAS
       OPEC chief sees high risk           nations and non-members, explained that it   Aramco confirms phased
                                              The 23-nation group, an amalgam of OPEC
       of oil squeeze amid bullish         had to ration its “severely limited” reserves   development plan for
                                           of output with “great caution.” OPEC and
       demand                              its partners hold idle capacity of roughly 2
                                           million to 3 million barrels a day, or about 3%
       Global oil markets face a high risk of a supply   of world output, Al-Ghais said.  Jafurah
       squeeze this year as demand remains resilient   The crunch has arisen from years of   Saudi Aramco has confirmed a phased
       and spare production capacity dwindles, the   underinvestment in the global oil industry,   development approach for its $100 billion-
       new head of OPEC said.              both in developing new supplies and building   plus Jafurah unconventional onshore gas
         Fears over slowing consumption in China   the refineries and other infrastructure to   project, which is expected to produce up to 2
       and the wider world -- which have pushed   process them, he said.        billion cubic feet per day of gas by 2030.
       crude prices 16% lower this month -- have   “Chronic underinvestment for several   The Saudi Arabian state-owned giant,
       been exaggerated, OPEC Secretary-General   years is really what’s taken us to where we are   while reporting its second-quarter results
       Haitham Al-Ghais said in an interview with   today,” he said.            on Sunday, said the first development phase
       Bloomberg Television.                  World markets may also face strain as   for the Jafurah gas plant is likely to come on
         At the same time, producers in the   European Union sanctions on OPEC+   stream by 2025.
       Organization of Petroleum Exporting   member Russia over its invasion of Ukraine   Aramco said it is progressing with the
       Countries and beyond are running out of   come into effect in December. Despite the   phased development of a project that will
       extra supplies they can bring to market, Al-  political turmoil, the group has shown it’s   reach a raw gas processing capacity of 3.1 Bcf.
       Ghais said at OPEC’s Vienna headquarters.   keen to preserve ties with Moscow, which Al-  “The facility for the gas plant will come
       The Kuwaiti oil executive was appointed as the   Ghais considers to have played a “critical role”   in two phases. The first phase would come
       group’s top diplomat this month.    in the stability of global markets.  in 2025. And the second phase will come
         “We are running on thin ice, if I may use   Oil’s losses deepened this week on signs   on stream by 2027,” Aramco chief executive
       that term, because spare capacity is becoming   that OPEC member Iran is close to reviving a   Amin Nasser said.
       scarce,” Al-Ghais said. “The likelihood of a   nuclear accord that could ease US sanctions   The full field development of Jafurah is
       squeeze is there.”                  on its oil trade. Tehran could add about 1.3   expected to reach a production capacity of 2
         International oil prices have retreated to   million barrels a day within six months of   Bcfd by 2030, lifting the company’s overall gas
       near $90 a barrel amid signs of a slowing   an agreement, according to the International   production capacity by 50% in the same time
       economy in China -- where fuel use slumped   Energy Agency.              frame.
       to a two-year low in July -- and a lackluster   Still, global demand remains healthy   The huge Jafurah project “will provide
       holiday driving season in the US. Still, the   enough to absorb any additional flows from   feedstock for hydrogen and ammonia
       OPEC chief remains confident that world   the Islamic Republic, provided they are   production and will help meet expected
       oil demand will increase by almost 3 million   released in a responsible and gradual fashion,   growing local energy demand”, Aramco noted.
       barrels a day this year, bolstered by China’s   according to the OPEC chief.  The unconventional gas project is part of
       return from Covid-related lockdowns.   With so much uncertainty, it’s too early   the country’s long-term strategy, which aims
         “China is still a source of phenomenal   to say what the OPEC+ coalition will decide   to boost gas production to free up almost 1

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