Page 10 - MEOG Week 33 2022
P. 10

MEOG                                   PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                            MEOG

       ADNOC affiliate picks up more support work

        UAE              ABU Dhabi National Oil Co.’s (ADNOC) Logis-  offshore assets”. Further detail was provided on
                         tics & Services arm was this week awarded a  the procurement process, with ADNOC noting
                         $1.17bn deal to provide barges to support the  that “instead of these services being provided
                         parent firm’s upstream expansion.    through several discrete, operationally specific
                           The award will see ADNOC L&S lease 13  contracts, all requirements have been unified
                         self-propelled jack-up barges to ADNOC for a  in line with ADNOC’s smart approach of cen-
                         period of five years, enabling rig-less operations  tralising procurement and operational logistics
                         and maintenance, alongside “manpower and  management.”
                         equipment”.                            It said this provides ADNOC Offshore with
                           The announcement follows a multi-bil-  “operational flexibility while enabling cost
                         lion-dollar spate of recent contract awards by the  efficiencies and single point responsibility by
                         state oil giant to its ADNOC L&S and ADNOC  ADNOC L&S”.
                         Drilling subsidiaries as the companies reap the   Several  weeks  ago,  ADNOC  L&S  was
                         benefits of vertical integration and the develop-  awarded a $681mn contract to provide offshore
                         ment of the UAE’s oilfield services sector.  logistics and marine support services for the
                           Ahmad Saqer Al Suwaidi, CEO of ADNOC  Hail and Ghasha sour gas development project
                         Offshore, said ADNOC L&S has a “proven track  in the Ghasha concession.
                         record in the industry and “the ready availability   Meanwhile, ADNOC Drilling has been
                         of these self-propelled jack-up barges will help  awarded contracts worth more than $5.4bn
                         us drive efficiencies and flexibility while cement-  from its parent company in recent weeks, cov-
                         ing ADNOC’s position as a leading low-cost and  ering ADNOC Offshore’s work at Ghasha and
                         low-carbon energy producer.”         oilfield development elsewhere in the Emirate’s
                           As in other recent contract awards, an  offshore.
                         ADNOC press statement referred to the deal’s   ADNOC aims to produce 15.5bn cubic
                         support for the company’s strategic objective of  metres per year of gas from Ghasha as well as oil
                         raising oil capacity from around 4.2mn barrels  and condensate volumes by the end of the dec-
                         per day at present to 5mn bpd by 2030.  ade, with first output anticipated in 2025 and
                           It added that the barges will be used in “rig-  with four artificial islands already completed
                         less well intervention and pre- and post-drilling  and development drilling underway.
                         operations, as well as for topside maintenance   This forms a major part of its gas target of
                         and  integrity  restoration  activities  at  our  achieving self-sufficiency by 2030.™

       P10                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 33   17•August•2022
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