Page 8 - MEOG Week 33 2022
P. 8

MEOG                                      POLICY & SECURITY                                            MEOG

       Issue of US withdrawal the

       key obstacle to JCPOA re-up

        IRAN             THE main obstacle to an agreement that would   In May 2018, former US president Donald
                         reinstate the 2015 nuclear deal between Iran  Trump unilaterally withdrew Washington from
                         and major world powers is reportedly Tehran’s  the multilateral JCPOA and opted to hit Iran
                         insistence on guarantees from Washington. Spe-  with hundreds of crippling sanctions in an effort
                         cifically, that US President Joe Biden’s admin-  at forcing Tehran to fall in line with US policy,
                         istration provides guarantees in relation to  which includes limiting Iran’s nuclear develop-
                         economic benefits the Iranians expect to receive  ment programme to the point that it could not be
                         from sanctions relief and their concerns that a  militarised. Prior to that move Iran was seen as
                         future US administration could unilaterally  in full compliance with the nuclear deal, which
                         abandon the accord.                  curbed the nuclear programme in return for a
                           The obstacle was described by an unnamed  shield against heavy sanctions. Since Trump
                         diplomat briefed on the talks cited by the Finan-  walked out of the JCPOA, Iran has gradually
                         cial Times on August 16. The daily noted that  broken more and more of its terms and condi-
                         experts have said it is just about impossible  tions and is now widely seen as on the verge of
                         for Biden to deliver the guarantees Tehran is  having enough highly-enriched uranium for the
                         demanding.                           making of at least one crude nuclear weapon.
                           But the diplomat was also quoted as saying   Iran’s foreign minister Hossein Amir-Ab-
                         that the US has agreed to extend substantially the  dollahian said on August 15 that three “logical”
                         amount of time that would be given to foreign  concerns stood in the way of Tehran signing an
                         companies operating in Iran to exit the country  agreement to bring back the nuclear deal. “In
                         should nuclear deal-related sanctions be reim-  order to take the final step, the US must show
                         posed. Currently, the time ranges from 90 to 180  flexibility,” Amir-Abdollahian told Iranian
                         days. The diplomat was reported as stating that  media.
                         the exact timeframe had not been agreed, but   He added that the US had verbally agreed
                         “it’s the best guarantee the US can give”.  with two of Iran’s concerns but that they needed
                           A CNN report described the issue of guar-  to be included in the draft text. The third con-
                         antees as being about “compensation” Iran  cern, he said, related to guarantees, but he did
                         expected to receive should a Biden successor  not provide more details.
                         pull the US out of the JCPOA once more. It   “If we reach no agreement, that would not be
                         also quoted a nameless diplomat, who said:  the end of the world,” he said. “They talk about
                         “The main issue facing the revival of the deal  their plan B. We also have our plan B.”
                         is the guarantees requested from the Iranian   The  coming  days  would  be  “important
                         side ensuring Iran will be compensated in case  days” as regards the fate of the nuclear deal, said
                         future US administrations decide to withdraw  Amir-Abdollahian.
                         again from the deal and while no real solution   US state department spokesperson Ned Price
                         has been put forth.”                 said on August 16: “The only way to achieve a
                           Also on August 16, the EU said it was study-  mutual return to compliance with the JCPOA is
                         ing Iran’s response, delivered late on the previous  for Iran to drop further unacceptable demands
                         day, to a draft agreement drawn up at the con-  that go beyond the scope of the JCPOA. We have
                         cluded Vienna talks to save the nuclear accord,  long called these demands extraneous.”
                         or JCPOA. Both the EU and US have described   The remaining JCPOA signatories are Iran,
                         the draft as the “final text”.       France, the UK, Germany, China.™

       P8                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 33   17•August•2022
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