Page 12 - GLNG Week 42 2021
P. 12
EC calls on member states to use less gas
POLICY THE European Commission’s president told those in Europe, therefore attracting more LNG
member states on October 20 that they were “too supplies. But other factors include the phase-out
reliant on gas,” as the bloc faces an energy crisis of coal-fired power and weak output this year at
that has seen gas and power prices reach record wind farms.
heights. The energy crisis has also exposed cracks in
Member states should cut down on gas use the EU member states’ views on the energy tran-
and push ahead towards implementing the goals sition. While France is leading a group that wants
of the European Green Deal, Ursula von der to ensure that nuclear power is recognised as part
Leyen said. of the future energy mix, Poland is spearheading
“A speedy transition to clean energy would a drive to recognise gas as a bridging fuel.
also make the bloc a more independent global Meanwhile, Hungarian Prime Minister Vik-
player,” she said. ton Orban has taken a staunch position against
She also noted that Europe was too reliant on EU climate policy. Speaking on October 21, he
gas imports. took aim at the EU official in charge of the bloc’s
“The answer has to do with diversifying green transition, Frans Timmermans.
our supplies ... and, crucially, with speeding “What Timmermans and others propose will
up the transition to clean energy,” the presi- kill the middle class of Europe: raising prices,
dent said. “The transition to clean energy is having new regulations, rocking prices to the
not only vital for our planet. It is also crucial sky, destroying the middle class everywhere in
for our economy and for the resilience to Europe, not just in the east, but in the west as
energy price shocks.” well,” he said. “Utopian fantasy kills us, that’s the
The energy crisis in Europe has been brought problem with energy prices as well,” he added,
about by a surge in global gas demand, particu- citing European Commission plans to reduce
larly in Asia, where gas prices are at a premium to emissions from transport and housing.
AMERICAS community of innovators and disruptors,” supply chains for two first-of-their-kind,
said John Tuttle, Vice Chairman and Chief decarbonised maritime ship operations––one
Tellurian transfers TELL Commercial Officer, NYSE Group. “We ocean-going and one in port––in two major
look forward to working with Tellurian as it
California ports. WCCF was established to
listing to the NYSE American supplies the world with a reliable, clean energy serve a growing market need for the delivery
of future low-carbon maritime fuels, such as
Tellurian announced today it will transfer the Tellurian expects its common stock to LNG (liquefied natural gas), RNG (renewable
listing of its common stock from the Nasdaq begin trading on the NYSE American on natural gas), biofuels, electrofuels, and
Capital Market to the NYSE American. November 2, 2021 and will remain under hydrogen-based fuels (such as hydrogen,
Executive Chairman Charif Souki said, the current symbol “TELL”. Trading of the methanol and ammonia).
“Global natural gas shortages and recent common stock on its current platform Starting in Q1 2022, WCCF will deliver
history-making prices indicate the pressing is expected to continue until the close of hydrogen to the first fuel cell-powered ferry in
need for additional liquefaction export business on November 1, 2021. the US (owned by SWITCH Maritime), first
capacity in the United States. Tellurian is TELLURIAN, October 22, 2021 for shipyard sea trials in Bellingham, WA and
poised to contribute to America’s status as subsequently for passenger operations in San
an energy superpower, having achieved West Coast Clean Fuels Francisco Bay. In the same quarter, WCCF
both regulatory permits and commercial will also launch fuel delivery operations for
success for Driftwood LNG phase one contracts to deliver low- two new-build LNG-powered container ships
development. We have turned our focus (operated by Pasha Hawaii Holdings) in the
to putting together a world class banking carbon fuels to first-of- Port of Long Beach. In order to successfully
group and have started site preparation, in launch these fuelling operations, WCCF
advance of giving our partner Bechtel notice kind ship operations in began permitting processes in 2019, started
to proceed with construction expected first to invest in fuel delivery equipment, and
quarter 2022. Transferring our stock listing to California solidified commercial relationships with key
the NYSE American allows us to leverage the industry partners up and down the value
exchange’s prestigious trading platform for West Coast Clean Fuels (WCCF) announced chain.
our shareholders’ benefit.” today that it has executed Delivery Service “Critical supply chains for low- and zero-
“We’re excited to welcome Tellurian as it Agreements to develop, permit, manage carbon maritime fuels simply don’t exist yet,”
transfers to NYSE American and joins our and operate the end-to-end clean fuel said Pace Ralli, CEO of SWITCH Maritime.
P12 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 42 22•October•2021