Page 7 - GLNG Week 42 2021
P. 7

GLNG                                         COMMENTARY                                               GLNG

                                                                                                  Other potentially
                                                                                                  affected projects
                                                                                                  include the series of
                                                                                                  new LNG terminals
                                                                                                  that Novatek plans to
                                                                                                  build on the Yamal and
                                                                                                  Gydan peninsulas.

                         Vladimir Putin dismissed that the proposed ban  potential recipients – but not if the EU’s pro-
                         would hurt Russia, suggesting instead it might  posed ban comes into force.
                         even benefit it.                      Rosneft is currently searching for investment
                           “If such decisions lead to a certain price  partners to bring Vostok Oil to development,
                         volatility, [Russia’s economy] wouldn’t suf-  having already brought on board commodity
                         fer that much,” he said at an energy con-  traders Trafigura, Vitol and Mercantile & Mari-
                         ference in Moscow. “That’s because we will  time as minority shareholders with a combined
                         reduce production, but will get the prices we  15% interest. The risk of a ban could undermine
                         wanted.”                             the search for additional partners, however.
                           However, the Arctic is seen as the new fron-  Other potentially affected projects include the
                         tier for oil and gas development in Russia, and is  series of new LNG terminals that Novatek plans
                         estimated to contain billions of barrels of oil and  to build on the Yamal and Gydan peninsulas.
                         many trillions of cubic metres of gas. Russian  Europe already takes gas from Novatek’s 17mn
                         producers are moving into the region as once-  tpy Yamal LNG plant, and will obtain additional   Further down
                         large Soviet fields further south reach maturity  volumes from its 20mn tpy Arctic LNG-2 termi-
                         and eventually depletion. Development could  nal that is due to start up in 2023. Further down   the line Novatek
                         be significantly undermined if Russia cannot  the line Novatek wants to develop the Arctic   wants to develop
                         count on EU buyers to purchase some of these  LNG-1 and Arctic LNG-3 terminals, which will
                         reserves.                            both also have 20mn tpy capacities.  the Arctic LNG-1
                           The largest up and coming project in the   Gazprom’s Kharasaveyskoye field would also
                         Russian Arctic is Vostok Oil, managed by state-  be hit by the ban. The field is due online in 2023  and Arctic LNG-3
                         owned Rosneft. Comprising a cluster of large  and is due to supply 32bn cubic metres per year
                         oil and gas fields located mostly on the Taymyr  of gas, likely to the European market. Gazprom   terminals.
                         Peninsula, analysts have likened Vostok Oil’s  Neft and the Achimov oil layers it is targeting in
                         scope to that of the exploration of Western  the Russian Arctic would also be affected.
                         Siberia in the 1970s and the US Bakken oil play   Despite the ban’s significance, analysts at BCS
                         over the past decade. Rosneft estimates that the  Global Markets view the news as negative for
                         project will yield 1mn barrels per day of oil by  oil and gas share prices in Russia, as it would be
                         2027 and possibly up to 2mn bpd at a later stage.  impossible to implement in the near future.
                         It is also expected to produce up to 50mn tonnes   “However, if this development expands, we
                         per year (tpy) of LNG.               believe that oil and gas shares might see some
                           While the primary destination for Vostok  pressure from institutional investors’ approach
                         Oil’s production is expected to be energy mar-  to their stock investment decisions on the back
                         kets in Asia, the project’s relatively close prox-  of the ongoing increase in climate-related prac-
                         imity to European consumers also makes them  tices,” the analysts said.™

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