Page 17 - DMEA Week 12 2022
P. 17

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                             DMEA

       A beginner’s guide to               petroleum industry, establish a Unified   uniformity of prices. Full cost recovery is
                                                                                based on the import parity pricing benchmark
                                           Petroleum Price Fund, and provide for related
       petroleum pricing in Ghana          purposes.                            or “landed cost” of refined fuel in Ghana. The
                                                                                import parity pricing, quoted in US dollars,
                                              The other component of the 2005
       Reliable and affordable energy is basic to any   regulatory reform was a transparent automatic   represents the price that the bulk distributors
       country’s ability to grow and equitably share   petroleum pricing formula for full cost   pay for the delivery at the Tema Port. This
       the economic gains. The consumption of   recovery. In other words, consumers would   includes the free on board price, freight
       crude oil and gas, and derivative petroleum   bear the full costs of petroleum products.   charges, insurance, customs duty, and port
       products such as petrol, diesel and kerosene,   Only some were cross-subsidised, such as   dues.
       features strongly in the global energy   premix used in the fishing sector.  The rationale behind the import parity
       geopolitics debate.                    In addition, Ghana’s 2009 and 2017 energy   pricing benchmark is to have a strong
         In Ghana, as in many other countries,   policies and the 2012 Petroleum Pricing   relationship with the actual costs of fuel
       the price of fuel — particularly petroleum   Regulations state that:     imports into Ghana. The petroleum authority
       products — is both a political and an   Ex-refinery prices of petroleum products   employs a two-week inventory window (1st-
       economic decision.                  will be based on import parity prices.  16th of the month) whereby the two-week
         Before 2005, the Ghanaian state controlled   Transportation and distribution charges   average of the free on board prices of the
       the import, distribution and pricing of   for petroleum products will be regulated   products is computed.
       petroleum products. But shortages were a   to ensure reasonable profit margins for   The historical average exchange rate of the
       regular occurrence. Coupled with this, the   transporters and distributors.  cedi to the dollar within the two-week time-
       government subsidised consumers, meaning   Cross-subsidies between petroleum   frame is then added to the equation. Charges
       they didn’t pay the full cost of the product. It   products will be applied, as necessary, to   such as port duties are added to arrive at the
       is estimated that Ghana spent about 2.2% of   achieve specific national development   ex-refinery price, calculated in Ghana pesewas
       its gross domestic product subsidising fuel in   objectives.             per litre.
       2004, far exceeding the budget of the Ministry   Uniform national prices for petroleum   Taxes and levies passed by Parliament are
       of Health.                          products will be maintained.         then added along with various oil marketing
         The regime was deemed inefficient as the   Petroleum products are imported into   companies’ (distribution) margins to arrive at
       rules were inconsistently applied. Ineffective   the country by bulk distribution companies   the final ex-pump price. The ex-pump price
       subsidies put a strain on the economy and   or wholesalers, which then sell them to oil   is the price the public pays for fuel at the
       often benefited middle-class consumers rather   marketing companies or retailers. Demand for   various filling stations. Fuel taxes and margins
       than the poor. A study indicated that almost   the products, especially diesel and petrol, has   typically make up about 40% of ex-pump fuel
       78% of fuel subsidies in Ghana benefited   grown at an average of 5% per year since 2000   prices.
       the wealthiest group while only about 3% of   due to economic growth.      Ghana imposes eight levies and five
       subsidy benefits reached the poorest quintile.  While Ghana has been a net exporter of   margins on petroleum products. The levies
         In 2005, Ghana deregulated the    crude oil since 2010, the country remains   are for energy debt recovery, energy fund,
       downstream petroleum industry as part of   highly vulnerable to oil price shocks because   energy sector recovery, price stabilisation
       the debt relief package under the joint IMF–  it imports a significant share of petroleum   and recovery, road fund, sanitation and
       World Bank Heavily Indebted Poor Countries   products consumed in the country and   pollution, special petroleum tax and unified
       (HIPC) initiative. The policy had three   exports to others in the sub-region.   pricing petroleum fund. The margins paid to
       objectives, namely to:              These imports mostly come from Europe   the distributors are for bulk oil storage and
         - remove restrictions on the establishment   (Rotterdam). Consequently, the country is   transportation, dealers (retailers/operators),
       and operation of facilities by the private sector  subject to volatility in international markets   fuel marking, marketers, and primary
         - remove restrictions on the importation of   for crude and petroleum products, as seen   distribution.
       crude oil and petroleum products    recently with the Russia-Ukraine conflict.  The government and other stakeholders
         - remove price controls.             Three key factors drive petroleum products   can adopt the following reform options to
         To give legal effect to the policy, the   prices in Ghana. First is the import parity   improve Ghana’s pricing in downstream
       country passed the National Petroleum   price of the product. The second is the foreign   petroleum markets.
       Authority Act, 2005 (Act 691), which   exchange rate. The third is taxes and margins.  Firstly, Ghana’s central bank, the Bank
       established the National Petroleum     Imports are regulated by the petroleum   of Ghana, can preferentially auction or sell
       Authority. Its mandate is to regulate, oversee   authority to ensure full cost recovery,   dollars to the bulk distribution companies
       and monitor activities in the downstream   government revenue generation and   at the interbank rate. This will help these

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