Page 16 - DMEA Week 12 2022
P. 16

DMEA                                        NEWS IN BRIEF                                              DMEA

       REFINING                            Arabia and the rest on the spot market.  FUELS
       Orlen Lithuania plans to            Clarification on Dangote             IPMAN submits reports on

       stop refining Russian oil                                                contaminated shipments to

       Poland’s oil group Orlen, the owner of   relocation                      govt
       Lithuania’s sole crude refinery, is planning to   A former governor of Ondo State, Dr
       completely stop buying Russian oil in the near   Olusegun Mimiko, has denied an allegation   Members of the Independent Petroleum
       future, Prime Minister Ingrida Simonyte said   making the rounds that he caused the state to   Marketers Association of Nigeria (IPMAN)
       on Tuesday.                         lose hosting the Dangote crude oil refinery   have submitted to the federal government a
         “As far as I know, the company [Orlen   to Lagos State because he demanded a bribe   collection of their reports on financial and
       Lietuva] itself intends to abandon [Russian]   from Aliko Dangote.       operational setbacks they have experienced
       crude oil in the near future,” Simonyte told   It was gathered that the project was initially  due to the accidental import of contaminated
       reporters when asked if it was realistic for   planned to be sited at the Olokola Free Trade   petrol.
       Lithuania to stop all of its energy imports   Zone in the Ilaje Local Government Area of   In the compilation of reports, which
       from Russia. “It’s up to the company to decide   Ondo State, but was later taken to Lagos State.  IPMAN delivered to Abuja on March 21, all
       because it is Orlen that is buying [crude], not   Denying the allegation in a statement on   members of the trade association reported
       the state.” “As far as I know, the company is   Wednesday, Mimiko described it as falsehood   that extensive losses and disruptions had
       very close to the stage when it will no longer   and mischievous.        followed the discovery that several cargoes
       be buying Russian oil and will no longer   The statement was issued by Mimiko’s   of imported petrol had contained excessively
       be using it for refining,” she added. Orlen   Special Assistant on Media and Digital   high levels of methanol.
       Lietuva Deputy CEO Audrius Daugnora has   Communications, Mr John Akinduro.  Local media outlet The Punch, citing
       said recently that it would not be difficult   It read in part, “Reports of the often   sections of the reports, indicated that only a
       for the company to stop refining Russian oil,   repeated falsehood about Aliko Dangote   few Nigerian filling stations actually sold the
       because it has been diversifying its crude oil   opting out of the Olokola FTZ for his refinery   contaminated petrol to drivers before it was
       sources since 2014. In recent years, Russian   project owing to an alleged demand for   removed from the market.
       oil accounted for about two-thirds of crude   personal benefit by Dr Olusegun Mimiko has   Nevertheless, it said, nearly all of the
       processed by the refinery, but now “the   been brought to our notice.    country’s fuel retailers sustained major losses
       numbers are turning the other way round”,   “We state that this lie is totally   and will be seeking compensation from the
       according to the official.          reprehensible. That otherwise informed   federal government.
         Orlen said in early March that it was   people are repeating the utter falsehood is sad.  The newspaper also quoted Chief John
       intensifying crude oil supplies to its refineries   “We state for the umpteenth time that   Kekeocha, the national secretary of IPMAN,
       from alternative routes and had agreed   Mimiko did not make any personal demand,   as saying that the accidental import of
       with Saudi Aramco on the purchase of five   cash or kind, or receive any personal   contaminated petrol had forced some
       additional North Sea oil tankers, with some   gratification that led to the location of the   filling stations to suspend operations. These
       of the crude to go the refinery in Mazeikiai, in   factory in Lekki instead of Olokola.”  temporary shutdowns have contributed to
       northwestern Lithuania.               “Again, this allegation is a blatant lie and   lingering shortages of fuel in some areas of the
         The Polish group said last year that it   we hope that Alhaji Aliko Dangote will, one   country, he said.
       that was buying 57 percent of crude for its   day, volunteer facts on why he chose Lekki   NEWSBASE
       refineries from Russia under long-term supply   over Olokola.”
       contracts, another 8 percent from Saudi   PUNCH

       P16                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                         Week 12   24•March•2022
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