Page 14 - NorthAmOil Week 05 2021
P. 14

NorthAmOil                             PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       NextDecade abandons Galveston Bay LNG plan

        TEXAS            US-BASED NextDecade announced last week  federal regulators for Galveston Bay LNG. The
                         that it had decided not to proceed with plans to  company said it had also requested that the US
                         develop its Galveston Bay LNG project on the  Department of Energy (DoE) cancel its 2018
                         Texas Gulf Coast. The decision was made fol-  authorisation of LNG exports from the project.
                         lowing a review of the proposed plant’s location,   NextDecade noted that its abandonment
                         with NextDecade saying it had determined that  of Galveston Bay would have no impact on its
                         the site in Texas City was “not suitable” for the  other proposed export plant, Rio Grande LNG
                         development of an LNG facility and associated  in South Texas, on which it is targeting a final
                         infrastructure.                      investment decision (FID) later this year. Indeed,
                           The company explained that a portion of the  the company believes Galveston Bay’s demise
                         Galveston Bay LNG site is under federal naviga-  makes Rio Grande all the more valuable.
                         tion servitude, and serves as an active Dredged   “While it is unfortunate that the Galveston
                         Material Placement Area (DMPA) for the Texas  Bay LNG site is not viable for large-scale infra-
                         City Ship Channel Federal Project. As a result,  structure development, this determination only
                         Galveston Bay LNG cannot be built without the  further enhances the value of – and the need for
                         US Army Corps of Engineers requesting that  – NextDecade’s world-class Rio Grande LNG
                         Congress authorise the release of its constitu-  project in the Port of Brownsville,” stated Nex-
                         tional right of navigation servitude over this  tDecade’s chairman and CEO, Matt Schatzman.
                         DMPA.                                  NextDecade said late-stage development
                           This has led to “the potential for prolonged  activities were ongoing at Rio Grande as it con-
                         uncertainty around the prospect of release  tinued to work on securing the remaining com-
                         of federal navigation servitude” by the Army  mercial agreements it needs to proceed to FID.
                         Corps, NextDecade said. And because of this  The company suffered a high-profile setback
                         uncertainty, it has decided to forfeit the site  with these efforts last year, when France’s Engie
                         and withdraw from pre-filing proceedings with  terminated talks over a potential supply deal.™
                                               ENERGY TRANSITION

       Occidental delivers carbon-

       neutral oil cargo to India

        US-INDIA         OCCIDENTAL Petroleum announced this  verified under the Verra Verified Carbon
                         week that its Oxy Low Carbon Ventures division  Standard. This means they met eligibility cri-
                         had delivered a cargo of carbon-neutral crude oil  teria for the UN’s International Civil Aviation
                         to Reliance Industries Ltd (RIL) in India. Occi-  Organization’s Carbon Offsetting and Reduc-
                         dental said the 2mn barrel cargo was the energy  tion Scheme for International Aviation (COR-
                         industry’s first major petroleum shipment for  SIA), Occidental noted. The volume of offsets
                         which greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions asso-  applied against the cargo were sufficient to
                         ciated with the entire crude lifecycle had been  cover the expected GHG emissions from the
       Occidental expects   offset.                           entire lifecycle, including production, trans-
       to begin producing   The transaction was arranged in conjunction  port, storage, shipping, refining, subsequent
       net-zero oil in 2024,   with Macquarie Group’s commodities and global  use and combustion, it added.
       when it starts up new   markets division, and Occidental described it as   The transaction involved the bundling of car-
       direct air capture (DAC)   the “first step in the creation of a new market  bon offsets with crude, with Macquarie arrang-
       facilities.       for climate-differentiated crude oil”. The com-  ing and structuring the bundled offset supply
                         pany also views carbon-neutral oil as a stepping  and retirement.
                         stone to the development of net-zero oil, which   The carbon-neutral cargo delivery comes as
                         it intends to produce eventually, accompanied  Occidental pursues one of the most ambitious
                         by the capture and sequestration of atmospheric  net-zero emissions strategies to be unveiled by a
                         carbon dioxide (CO2) from these operations.  US oil company. The producer is targeting net-
                         Occidental expects to begin producing such net-  zero emissions classed as Scope 1 and 2 – those
                         zero oil in 2024, when it starts up new direct air  from direct operations and indirect ones from its
                         capture (DAC) facilities.            power generation, heating and cooling require-
                           The cargo delivered to RIL was produced  ments – by 2040. By 2050, it aims to expand this
                         in the US’ Permian Basin. The offsets were  to include Scope 3 emissions – those generated
                         sourced from a variety of projects that were  by the end-use of its products by its customers.™

       P14                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                       Week 05   04•February•2021
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