Page 11 - NorthAmOil Week 05 2021
P. 11

NorthAmOil                                   INVESTMENT                                          NorthAmOil

       Surge announces Midland Basin acquisition

       as other Asian firms exit shale

        US               HOUSTON-BASED Surge Energy US Holdings  returns for years to come.”
                         announced on January 31 that one of its subsid-  The deal is expected to close later during this
                         iaries had signed a purchase and sale agreement  quarter.
                         (PSA) to acquire leasehold interest and produc-  According to Surge’s website, it currently
                         ing wells from Grenadier Energy Partners II.  holds 93,000 net acres (376 square km) in the
                         The transaction is estimated to be worth around  Permian Basin, where it has operated since 2015.
                         $420mn.                              The company was formed as a US subsidiary of
                           The assets are located in Texas’ Howard  China-based Shandong Xinchao Energy to pur-
                         County, in the Permian Basin’s Midland sub-ba-  sue acquisitions in US shale.
                         sin, and include production of around 9,000   News of the latest acquisition comes as cer-
                         barrels of oil equivalent per day (boepd), with oil  tain other Asian companies are pulling back
                         accounting for roughly 75% of this. The acqui-  from US shale. This week, Japan’s Sumitomo
                         sition comprises 18,010 net acres (73 square  completed the sale of its Eagle Ford shale assets,
                         km), and the operated inventory on the acreage  which were the last of its shale operations fol-
                         includes about 120 economic drilling locations,  lowing the sale of its operations in the Marcellus
                         which Surge described as high-quality.  play last year.
                           “This acquisition is consistent with our   Also this week, India’s Reliance Industries
                         strategy of building a long-term, sustainable  Ltd. (RIL) agreed to sell its entire stake in the
                         oil and gas company,” stated Surge’s CEO, Lin-  Marcellus shale for $250mn. The RIL assets will
                         hua Guan. “The combination of both produc-  be sold to US-based Northern Oil and Gas. This
                         tion and high-quality inventory supports both  comes after RIL sold the first portion of its Mar-
                         near-term cash flow and strong economic  cellus holdings in 2017.™


       LOOP oil exports to Asia hit record highs

        US GULF COAST    CRUDE exports from the Louisiana Offshore  in the Middle East, and indeed the rise in ship-
                         Oil Port (LOOP) – the only US port that can  ments from the LOOP comes as uncertainty
                         fully load very large crude carriers (VLCCs) –  remains for the return of some production
                         achieved a new record in January. The increase  from OPEC and its allies. Asia is OPEC’s largest
                         comes as Asian buyers are thought to be stock-  regional buyer.
                         ing up on oil in anticipation of a post-pandemic   Louisiana state data show that Mars Blend
                         rebound in fuel demand.              crude output was estimated at over 500,000
                           Bloomberg reported this week that based  barrels per day (bpd) in November. Bloomberg
                         on ship-tracking data it had compiled, eight  cited a Kpler crude market analyst, Emmanuel
                         vessels sailed from the LOOP in January, car-  Belostrino, as saying it was likely that most of the
                         rying nearly a combined 15mn barrels of oil  exports from the LOOP were Mars Blend.
                         to South Korea, China and India. This dou-  In January, some of OPEC’s largest oil pro-
                         ble the volumes exported from the port in  ducers – Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Abu Dhabi and
                         December and notches up an all-time high for  Kuwait – raised their monthly pricing for ship-
                         the LOOP. Most of the vessels were VLCCs,  ments to Asia for February. The move came after
                         which have the capacity to carry up to 2mn  Saudi Arabia announced it would cut its oil pro-
                         barrels of oil.                      duction by an additional 1mn bpd in February
                           Total US Gulf Coast crude outflows to Asia  and March, causing crude prices to jump.
                         are reported to have risen to nearly 51mn barrels   Analysts said at the time that the higher cost
                         in January.                          of Middle Eastern barrels could open up room
                           The LOOP receives the bulk of the high-sul-  for other crudes, such as US oil. As a result, high
                         phur crudes produced in the Gulf of Mexico,  flows of US crude to Asia from the LOOP and
                         including Mars Blend, a regional sour bench-  other US ports are likely to continue over the
                         mark. This can replace sour crudes produced  course of February.™

       Week 05   04•February•2021               www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P11
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