Page 8 - NorthAmOil Week 05 2021
P. 8

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Baker Hughes predicts

       3-4 LNG FIDs in 2021

       Oilfield services firm Baker Hughes anticipates that 3-4

       LNG export projects will be sanctioned this year as the

       industry recovers from the pandemic-related downturn

        GLOBAL           OILFIELD services firm Baker Hughes has reit-
                         erated its expectations that demand for LNG will
       WHAT:             grow in the longer term. Baker Hughes’ chair-
       Baker Hughes predicts   man and CEO, Lorenzo Simonelli, said during
       that 3-4 liquefaction   the firm’s fourth-quarter earnings call that it
       plants will reach FID this   anticipated 3-4 LNG projects moving forward
       year.             in 2021. This would be followed by “a robust
                         pipeline” of LNG projects that Baker Hughes
       WHY:              expects to reach the final investment decision
       A recovery is underway,   (FID) stage beyond 2021.
       and Baker Hughes’   The company’s outlook has been bolstered by
       outlook has been   the recent increase in LNG spot prices, which
       bolstered by improving   Simonelli said had “solidified a similar view for
       LNG spot prices.  many of our customers and improved momen-
                         tum for a number of projects”.
       WHAT NEXT:          LNG spot prices in Northeast Asia hit record
       The company expects that   highs of around $32.50 per million British
       gas will be a “transition   thermal units ($898.95 per 1,000 cubic metres)
       and destination fuel” in   at the start of this year. This occurred as cold-
       the longer run.   er-than-expected winter weather, certain sup-  of 2020. Simonelli noted that this followed the
                         ply outages and shipping delays combined,  main refrigerant compression award, which the
                         prompting a scramble to secure supplies. The  company booked in the third quarter of the year.
                         spike already appears to be abating, with the
                         International Energy Agency’s (IEA) senior gas  Targeting FID
                         analyst, Jean-Baptiste Dubreuil, warning last  FIDs, which picked up significantly in 2019,
                         week that what played out in January did not  slowed in 2020 as the coronavirus (COVID-
                         indicate a “major” rebound in global demand  19) pandemic caused demand for LNG to drop,
                         over the remainder of 2021. Meanwhile, up to  exacerbating the existing oversupply in the
                         five LNG cargoes scheduled for loading from  market. Only one LNG FID – on Sempra Ener-
                         US terminals in March are expected to be can-  gy’s Energía Costa Azul (ECA) LNG project in
                         celled by traders, cited by Reuters. It is worth  Mexico – was announced in 2020, towards the
                         noting, however, that congestion in the Panama  end of the year, when the recovery was already
                         Canal – which contributed to the January price  underway.
                         spike – is ongoing, prompting buyers to look at   Several other developers deferred scheduled
                         spot supplies from other sources.    FIDs on their projects until 2021. While analysts
                           Nonetheless, Simonelli is confident that  have expressed scepticism about all of these pro-
                         the LNG market will perform better this year.  jects moving forward, several still have 2021 as
                         He noted that one of the priorities for Baker  their target date for an FID – though this can be
                         Hughes’ Turbomachinery & Process Solutions  delayed again.
                         (TPS) division was executing the “significant   Among the companies talking about sanc-
                         backlog” of LNG projects awarded in recent  tioning projects this year is US-based Tellurian,
                         years.                               whose co-founder and executive chairman,
                           Recent contracts awarded to Baker Hughes in  Charif Souki, said earlier this month that he
                         the LNG space include an additional award for  hoped the company’s Driftwood LNG terminal
                         power generation for the North Field East LNG  would be under construction this summer.
                         expansion project in Qatar in the fourth quarter   Souki echoed Simonelli’s expectations that

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