Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 05 2021
P. 6

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

       Super-majors in the spotlight

       US-based super-majors ExxonMobil and Chevron have been in the news as

       they announced their quarterly results and reports surfaced of abandoned

       merger talks between the two

        US               US-BASED super-majors Chevron and Exx-  hit, with their share prices dropping in the wake
                         onMobil have been in the news for several rea-  of the collapse in oil prices. This was followed by
       WHAT:             sons during the past week. At least one of the  a series of quarterly losses that have continued
       Chevron and ExxonMobil   reasons – the release of the companies’ results  despite some recovery from the worst of the
       have been in the news for   for the fourth quarter of 2020 – had been sched-  downturn, seen in the second quarter of 2020.
       several reasons during   uled and expected. Others, such as reports that   Chevron posted a surprise loss of $665mn,
       the past week.    the two super-majors had discussed a potential  or $11mn on an adjusted basis, for the fourth
                         merger last year but ultimately abandoned the  quarter of last year. The loss – Chevron’s third
       WHY:              talks, were somewhat more surprising.  consecutively – was attributed to low margins
       The two are reported   Two separate reports by the Wall Street Jour-  on fuel, acquisition costs and foreign currency
       to have discussed a   nal and Reuters cited sources familiar with the  effects overwhelming drilling results that had
       potential merger last   matter as saying high-level preliminary talks  been improving. A charge of $120mn associated
       year, with the news   had been held between the CEOs of Chevron  with Chevron’s acquisition of Noble Energy was
       coming as they disclosed   and ExxonMobil in early 2020, as the coronavi-  also included in the result.
       their quarterly earnings.  rus (COVID-19) pandemic took hold, causing   Chevron’s loss per share totalled $0.33, com-
                         crude prices to collapse. The fact that the merger  pared with analysts’ expectations of a $0.07 per
       WHAT NEXT:        was considered is seen as illustrating the chal-  share profit. For the whole of 2020, the company
       ExxonMobil is also   lenges even the largest oil companies were fac-  reported a $5.5bn loss, compared with a profit of
       launching a low-carbon   ing following the onset of the pandemic.  $2.9bn in 2019. Revenue of $94.7bn made 2020
       business that will initially   According to one of the sources cited by Reu-  Chevron’s second worst year this century.
       focus on CCS.     ters, the talks were serious enough for legal doc-  ExxonMobil, for its part, reported an esti-
                         uments involving certain aspects of the merger  mated fourth-quarter loss of $20.1bn, or $4.70
                         discussions to be drafted. Another of Reuters’  per diluted share, for the fourth quarter of 2020.
                         sources said the two CEOs envisioned achiev-  The result included non-cash, after-tax impair-
                         ing synergies through massive cost cuts that  ment charges worth a record $19.3bn during
                         would have helped them weather the industry  the quarter and contributed to the super-major
                         downturn.                            recording its first annual loss in at least 40 years.
                                                               Excluding the impairment charges, however,
                         Still struggling                     ExxonMobil would have turned a profit, earning
                         While the super-majors were ultimately better  $0.03 per share after three consecutive losses in
                         positioned than many smaller companies to  previous quarters.
                         survive the downturn, they nonetheless took a   Despite the challenges faced over the course

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