Page 5 - NorthAmOil Week 05 2021
P. 5

NorthAmOil                                         NRG                                           NorthAmOil

                         Europe: Equinor raises Sverdrup bar once  despite disruptions stemming from the corona-
                         more                                 virus (COVID-19) pandemic.
                         Output at Norway’s flagship Johan Sverdrup oil   Alexandre Trevia Leite, the global head of
                         project is poised to reach 535,000 barrels per day  international trade at Petrobras, said that his
                         by mid-year, according to operator Equinor, or  company had been able to weather the drop in
                         around 100,000 bpd more than it was initially  demand from China, which is typically a major
                         projected to flow at peak rate.      purchaser of Brazilian grades. “In 2020 alone,
                                                              we managed to sell and create 14 new custom-
                         FSU: Novatek goes down hydrogen path  ers specifically for [production from] Búzios,”
                         While hydrogen energy is still in its infancy,  he said.
                         the EU and many of its members have pub-
                         lished strategies for developing the fuel as a  MEOG: Sales and supplies
                         means of decarbonising certain industries.  Over the past week in the Middle East head-
                         Russia, Europe’s biggest oil and gas supplier, has  lines have focused on share and asset sales as
                         looked at these developments, and the rising of  well as agreements for the supply of oil and
                         renewables across the continent, mostly with  gas.
                         trepidation.                           The most prominent of these was a statement
                                                              by Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed
                         GLNG: Repairs in Australia, proposal aban-  bin Salman (MbS) that further sales of shares
                         doned in US                          in national oil company (NOC) Saudi Aramco
                         LNG-related setbacks have been reported in  would be forthcoming in future years in order
                         both the US and Australia in recent days. In the  to bolster the Public Investment Fund (PIF),
                         US, NextDecade announced that following an  which is spearheading the Kingdom’s economic
                         evaluation of its proposed Galveston Bay LNG  overhaul.
                         site in Texas, it had determined that the location
                         was not suitable for development of an LNG ter-  NorthAmOil:   News   of   abandoned
                         minal. As a result, the company is withdrawing  megamerger emerges amid earnings season
                         its proposal to build the project.   Oil and gas giants ExxonMobil and Chevron
                           In Australia, meanwhile, Chevron said its  held preliminary talks to discuss a potential
                         Wheatstone LNG plant was operating below  merger last year, it has emerged. The talks have
                         capacity while repairs are carried out on an inlet  since been abandoned, according to two separate
                         separator.                           reports by the Wall Street Journal and Reuters,
                                                              but they are seen as illustrative of the challenges
                         Latin America: Successes and setbacks  even the largest oil companies were facing fol-
                         This week’s LatAmOil looks at several South  lowing the onset of the coronavirus (COVID-19)
                         American oil producers – including Colombia  pandemic.
                         and Brazil, both of which succeeded in attracting   According to one of the sources cited by
                         new customers last year.             Reuters, the talks were serious enough for
                           Representatives of Colombia’s national oil  legal documents involving certain aspects
                         company (NOC) Ecopetrol and its Brazilian  of the merger discussions to be drafted. The
                         counterpart Petrobras said last week at a con-  Wall Street Journal, meanwhile, cited sources
                         ference hosted by Argus Media that they had  as acknowledging the possibility of the talks
                         managed to raise crude export volumes in 2020,  being revived in the future.™

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