Page 6 - NorthAmOil Week 25
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NorthAmOil                                          NRG                                           NorthAmOil

                         to target contract opportunities at refining and  development of what could be Germany’s first
                         petrochemical projects in Africa, the Middle  regasification terminal. That will clear the way
                         East and elsewhere, while South Africa’s Rener-  for an FID to be taken.
                         gen has partnered with France’s Total to market   There are several similar schemes currently
                         and distribute LNG from a liquefaction plant it  underway in Germany, but how many are real-
                         is building.                         ised could hinge on the government shifting its
                                                              stance in favour of gas-derived hydrogen.
                         If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         the downstream sector of Africa and the Middle East,   If you’d like to read more about the key events shaping
                         then please click here for NewsBase’s DMEA Monitor .  Europe’s oil and gas sector then please click here for
                                                              NewsBase’s EurOil Monitor .
                         Norway’s new offering
                         Norway has kicked off its next offshore licensing  OPEC+ puts pressure on Kazakhstan
                         round, inviting companies to bid for an extra 36  Kazakhstan is reportedly being pressed by its
                         oil and gas blocks. Current market conditions  OPEC+ partners to better comply with agreed
                         may deter some from submitting offers. But  oil output quotas. The Central Asian state failed
                         Norway’s tax system is generally successful at  to stick to its May quota, which it will have to
                         ensuring that investment in exploration contin-  compensate for through deeper cuts later this
                         ues even when prices are low. Meanwhile, those  year.
                         companies that are in possession of discoveries   Kazakhstan faced accusations of disregard-
                         have extra incentive to push ahead with devel-  ing its commitments under the previous OPEC+
                         opment after Parliament recently approved a tax  deal, which expired in April. While its share of
                         relief package.                      the cuts is far smaller than the likes of Russia and
                           Companies have until September 22 to bid  Saudi Arabia, OPEC+’s lead members will want
                         for the offered acreage, with authorities planning  to ensure that all parties keep to their promises.
                         to award licences in early 2021.     The stakes are high, after all, as the deal’s collapse
                           While Norwegian production is due to ramp  would derail the market recovery and cause oil
                         up over the next five years, its current output is  to spiral downwards once again.
                         subdued. Gas extraction fell for the fifth month   Downstream, Russian refineries cut their
                         in a row in May, as suppliers held back volumes  gasoline output to a 15-year low in May in
                         in response to weak prices. Oil production was  response to a slump in fuel demand triggered
                         up last month, but is due to fall in June as govern-  by coronavirus-related travel restrictions, the
                         ment-mandated cuts come into force.  country’s energy ministry estimates. The speed
                           In the UK, low prices will mean some fields  at which fuel demand collapsed in Russia has
                         are shut down earlier, providing a boon to the  been matched by how quickly it has recovered,
                         decommissioning sector in the coming years.  catching suppliers unaware. At the start of June,
                         But the Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) has  Russia’s energy ministry called on producers to
                         warned that decommissioning spending will  cut gasoline exports and send more fuel to the
                         take a hit in 2020 as operators cut costs. This  domestic market.
                         could have a significant impact on the supply   In Georgia, there is progress at the West
                         chain, risking undermining the UK’s status as a  Rustavi gas field, with London-listed operator
                         global leader in decommissioning, the upstream  Block Energy reporting the arrival of an early
                         regulator warns.                     production facility. This brings the company
                           Meanwhile, German power giant RWE has  one step closer to launching gas sales from the
                         said it aims to finalise LNG supply contracts  field in the second half.
                         by the end of this year that will underpin the   Despite slashing spending by 40% in April,

       P6                                       www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 25   25•June•2020
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