Page 10 - NorthAmOil Week 25
P. 10

NorthAmOil                                    COMMENTARY                                          NorthAmOil

                                                                                                  The picture is
                                                                                                  particularly bleak for
                                                                                                  crude-by-rail shipments.

                           The oil industry “achieved the dream of going  around 210,000 bpd. In April, Imperial’s rail
                         long pipeline in Western Canada but for all the  volumes dropped to around 10,000 bpd – or less
                         wrong reasons”, IHS Markit’s director of North  than 5% of the facility’s capacity – according to
                         American crude oil markets, Kevin Birn, was  the company’s first-quarter earnings call.
                         quoted by Bloomberg as saying.
                           Birn went on to suggest that Canadian pro-  What next?
                         ducers may now be in a hurry to bring curtailed  Natural gas shipments to the US can be expected
                         production back online until they have more  to respond to how the differential between
                         certainty that a recovery is underway. Thus spare  Alberta’s AECO hub and Henry Hub behaves,
                         takeaway capacity could turn out to be more  as well as being affected by the overall demand
                         than just a short-lived phenomenon.  picture. The US Energy Information Adminis-
                                                              tration (EIA) projects that gross imports of pipe-
                         Train in vain                        line gas into the US – more than 99% of which
                         The drop in demand, production and shipments  come from Canada – will slip from 7.4bn cubic
                         is also having a significant impact on crude-  feet (210mn cubic metres) per day in 2019 to 7.0
                         by-rail transport out of the oil sands. Accord-  bcf (198 mcm) per day in 2020. If the forecast for
                         ing to the Canada Energy Regulator (CER), in  this year plays out, it would be the lowest level of
                         April crude-by-rail exports fell by 55% to about  annual US pipeline gas imports since the mid-
                         156,000 bpd, down from roughly 351,000 bpd in  1990s. However, the EIA then projects that pipe-
                         March. The CER has not yet released statistics for  line gas imports will grow to 7.9 bcf (224 mcm)   The start dates
                         May, but energy data firm Genscape estimates  per day in 2021.
                         that crude-by-rail shipments plunged to 49,000   The recovery in Canadian oil shipments – the   for the new
                         bpd last month.                      majority of which also go to the US – is antici-  pipelines are still
                           This is particularly painful for those pro-  pated to be slower, though. The picture is par-
                         ducers that had invested significantly in  ticularly bleak for crude-by-rail shipments, given   uncertain, given
                         ramping up their crude-by-rail shipments in  that transporting oil by rail is typically more
                         the absence of new pipeline capacity recently.  expensive than shipping it via pipeline, and the   the remaining
                         Among these is Cenovus Energy, which signed  industry is seeking to cut costs where possible.
                         three-year deals in 2018 to transport 100,000  Given that rail shipments tend to rise when pipe-  regulatory
                         bpd. According to the company’s first-quarter  line capacity is lacking, and the expectation that   hurdles that need
                         earnings call, the crude-by-rail programme –  underutilisation of pipelines will linger, the use
                         which has been suspended since March – costs  of rail for shipping oil sands crude could remain   to be overcome.
                         around CAD18mn($13mn) per year, including  considerably reduced for some time.
                         for storage of unused rail tankers. Cenovus also   Unless oil prices rise dramatically – which
                         owns the Bruderheim rail-loading facility near  is considered highly unlikely – a breakthrough
                         Edmonton.                            would be required in the oil sands to reduce
                           And Imperial Oil – ExxonMobil’s Cana-  costs enough to spur significant new production
                         dian subsidiary – participates in a joint venture  in this environment. In the absence of such a
                         involving a CAD170mn ($125mn) rail terminal  breakthrough, both production and shipments
                         next to its Strathcona refinery in Edmonton.  of output look set to remain depressed for the
                         The facility has the capacity to load trains with  near – and perhaps medium – term.™

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