Page 15 - NorthAmOil Week 25
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NorthAmOil                            PROJECTS & COMPANIES                                       NorthAmOil

       Tellurian tries to push Driftwood

       LNG forward after delay

        LOUISIANA        HOUSTON-BASED Tellurian announced this
                         week that Charif Souki had been appointed
                         executive chairman, having been its non-execu-
                         tive chairman since he co-founded the company
                         in 2016. The move, which is typically associated
                         with more responsibility and involvement, has
                         been made in a bid to push forward the proposed
                         Driftwood LNG export project. The project suf-
                         fered a setback recently when its construction
                         was pushed back until 2021 after a preliminary
                         supply deal with India’s Petronet expired in May.
                           Expiry of the memorandum of understand-
                         ing (MoU) with Petronet came as the LNG
                         market has become increasingly oversupplied,
                         making it more difficult for new entrants to
                         finalise offtake agreements. Market conditions
                         have  been exacerbated by the coronavirus
                         (COVID-19) pandemic, but Tellurian appears to
                         remain hopeful that a future uptick in demand
                         is coming.
                           “Demand for liquefied natural gas grew 13%
                         last year and continues to grow at a pace that
                         will outstrip capacity growth unless we act now
                         and get facilities built,” Tellurian’s president and
                         CEO, Meg Gentle, said in a June 22 statement.
                         “While COVID-19 has slowed the market this
                         year, the market is rebalancing quickly and the
                         underlying fundamentals that support long-
                         term investment in LNG are strengthening. We
                         are fortunate to have the benefit of our found-
                         ers’ marketing expertise and relationships as we
                         commercialise and finance Driftwood LNG.”
                           Souki made a name for himself through
                         Cheniere Energy, which he founded in 1996 and  Sabine Pass to 30mn tpy. The project is ready for   Souki made a name
                         which is now the US’ leading LNG exporter. The  construction, having received all necessary per-  for himself through
         Tellurian will   company initially built an import terminal at  mits and with 30% of engineering completed   Cheniere Energy before
                                                              with contractor Bechtel.
                         Sabine Pass, Louisiana, but the facility was repur-
                                                                                                  going on to co-found
        be hoping that   posed for liquefaction and export after the shale   However, the facility is still estimated to cost   Tellurian.
         Souki taking a   boom transformed the US’ domestic gas supply  around $30bn to build, and Tellurian has strug-
                         picture. However, Souki was ousted from the  gled to bring in buyers – to whom it is offering
         more hands-     company in late 2015, just weeks before Sabine  equity stakes in the project in order to encour-
                         Pass exported its first cargo, after a unanimous  age participation. France’s Total is a participant
         on approach     vote by Cheniere’s board to remove him as chair-  in the project but has recently voiced doubts over
                                                              the need for developing new liquefaction capac-
                         man and CEO.
        can help revive    The catalyst for Souki’s removal was reported  ity, and specifically Driftwood.
          Driftwood’s    to be a disagreement with the board over his   “The priority is not to invest more in mer-
                         2016 budget request and how it would affect the  chant projects in the US,” Total’s CEO, Pat-
           flagging      strategic direction of Cheniere. However, the  rick Pouyanné, told analysts on his company’s
                         Financial Times cited a source familiar with the  first-quarter earnings call in May.
         momentum.       matter as saying at the time that Souki had pre-  Total has the right to back out of its new cap-
                         viously threatened to resign on several occasions  ital contribution agreement if Tellurian fails
                         during the course of 2015.           to make a final investment decision (FID) on
                           Souki went on to co-found Tellurian, claim-  Driftwood by July 2021, according to a securi-
                         ing he would be able to undercut Cheniere on  ties filing.
                         costs by 15-20%. Driftwood LNG would have a   But despite these setbacks, Tellurian will
                         capacity of 27.6mn tonnes per year, which would  be hoping that Souki taking a more hands-on
                         make it larger than any US LNG facility currently  approach can help revive Driftwood’s flagging
                         – though Cheniere is in the process of expanding  momentum.™

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