Page 16 - NorthAmOil Week 25
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NorthAmOil NEWS IN BRIEF NorthAmOil
UPSTREAM Chalk foothold by using their internally the Harvest Midway Terminal’s construction
developed and proprietary geophysical schedule.
Millennium PetroCapital strategy. The company will use this strategy completion of the Ingleside pipeline, Harvest
“As a result of the successful and timely
to identify other drilling prospects while
Corporation successfully simultaneously building operational support customers will receive direct access to all three
Ingleside terminals. This is one of the fastest
infrastructure to facilitate more efficient
launches new oil drilling and production operations. growing export centers on the Gulf Coast and
The Millennium companies have
we are excited to share this growth with our
development project in the specialised in the acquisition, development, customers,” said Sean Kolassa, president of
Harvest Midstream Company.
drilling, and production of Texas-based oil
second quarter 2020 and gas assets since July of 2006. In nearly oil pipeline, has a capacity of 600,000 barrels
The Ingleside pipeline, a 24-mile, 24-inch
14 years in business, Millennium has created
Millennium PetroCapital Corporation, a and managed 60 joint ventures consisting of per day (bpd) with up to 380,000 bpd supplied
privately held oil and gas parent company 80 combined wells with a current commercial by the existing Harvest Eagle Ford pipeline
specialising in South Texas and Texas Gulf completion average of about 72%. systems. The pipeline is currently able to
Coast exploration, successfully launched “I have a great passion for the art and transport volumes to the Flint Hills Resources
its Gonzales County, Texas multi-well science of making these projects come to Ingleside terminal, and will be capable of
development plan of the famously prolific fruition. With two successful completions by shipping barrels to the South Texas Gateway
Austin Chalk formation. Millennium put spring, we are well on our way to exceeding terminal in July 2020 and the Moda Ingleside
two new Austin Chalk wells in production this year’s production goals. And, by drilling Energy Center in September 2020.
through its dedicated drilling and operating two more wells this year, we can also capitalise “Harvest has always provided
division, Millennium Exploration Company, on lower-cost operations and ready availability our customers with reliable and safe
in May and June 2020. of key vendors created by the current state transportation,” said Jason Rebrook, CEO
As an active participant in the re- of oil prices,” added Richard Monroy, of Harvest Midstream Company. “We look
emergence of the South Texas Austin Chalk Millennium’s CEO. forward to providing that same consistent
formation, Millennium’s Chalk Talk #2H well MILLENNIUM PETROCAPITAL CORPORATION, service with our expanded operations and
and the Chalk Talk ‘A’ #1H well were placed June 23, 2020 the additional storage and connectivity in the
into commercial production on May 25 and Ingleside and Corpus Christi markets.”
June 10 respectively. These two wells are the The pipeline originates at the Harvest
first of eight wells that Millennium plans to MIDSTREAM Midway terminal located in Taft, Texas.
drill within its strategically positioned 7,200- The terminal covers 160 acres and has the
acre development area. Harvest Midstream potential to construct up to 10 million barrels
Each of the two wells penetrated the of crude storage. Phase 1 construction of the
target Austin Chalk zone with a 4,000-foot Company announces the Harvest Midway terminal is expected to be
horizontal leg. Both wells exhibited oil flow completed by the end of Q3 2020 and will add
through the skimmer systems during the completion of the new new infrastructure capable of pumping the
drilling process as 30 to 50-foot gas flares Ingleside pipeline at 600,000 barrels per day.
lit the South Texas night. Millennium, the Ingleside pipeline HARVEST MIDSTREAM COMPANY, June 23,
Operator of Record, controls a combined 75% 2020
interest in this ongoing project along with its Today, Harvest Midstream Company
private equity partners. Plans are currently announced the completion of the new Black Bear Transmission
unfolding to expand Millennium’s Austin Ingleside pipeline and provided an update on
selects Quorum Software
to manage all pipeline and
measurement needs
Quorum Software, the leader in digital
transformation for the oil and gas
industry, announced today that Black
Bear Transmission LLC (Black Bear) has
selected Quorum gas pipeline software, gas
measurement software, and measurement
services to support its growing operations.
To ensure the delivery of reliable gas supply
and accurate information to customers, Black
Bear needed a proven solution capable of
supporting the company’s eight regulated
natural gas pipelines stretching more than
1,200 miles with a delivery capacity of more
than 1.8 bcf per day. Black Bear required a
P16 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 25 25•June•2020