Page 18 - NorthAmOil Week 25
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                         NorthAmOil

       April 29, 2020. At that time, the company   strategic partnership with commodities   MOVES
       estimated that the annual filings would be   clearinghouse and terminal broker, the Tank
       completed on or about June 12, 2020. It is   Tiger.                      Blueknight announces CEO
       now expected that the annual filings will be   Under the partnership, Validere clients
       completed on June 15, 2020.         will be able to see relevant Tank Tiger   transition
         The company also announces that it is   opportunities for their volumes within the
       relying on the aforementioned blanket relief   Validere Edge platform. Integration of these   Blueknight Energy Partners announced today
       in respect of its interim financial statements   opportunities will accelerate the identification   that chief executive officer Mark Hurley has
       and the related management’s discussion and   of solutions for Validere clients and when   informed the partnership’s board of directors
       analysis for the period ended March 31, 2020.   interested they can then work with Tank Tiger   that he will step down from his position
       The company expects that the interim filings   to proceed. This will in turn increase usage of   effective June 22, 2020 to pursue other
       will be filed on or about July 14, 2020 and is   the Tank Tiger platform. Tank Tiger clients   opportunities.
       afforded a postponement of up to a maximum   will also now be able to get rapid assessments   “We extend our thanks and appreciation to
       45-day extension pursuant to blanket relief   for complex quality considerations such   Mark for his years of leadership, service, and
       for all market participants granted by the   as tracking line fill, heel quality and   contributions to Blueknight since assuming
       Canadian securities administrators.  commingling considerations.         the CEO role in 2012. Mark was instrumental
         Other than as disclosed in the company’s   “This integration will expand the market   in Blueknight’s strategy, cost improvement
       press releases, there have not been any   for our clients as Validere is connected into   initiatives, and performance record in
       material business developments since the   multiple volumes and qualities across North   environmental, health, and safety over his
       date that the last financial statements of the   America. The Validere technical focus on   tenure. We wish Mark and his family all the
       company were filed.                 quality is also a natural fit for clients of ours   best in the future,” commented Duke R. Ligon,
       CANADIAN OIL RECOVERY AND REMEDIATION   dealing with commingling, line fill concerns,   chairman of the board.
       ENTERPRISES, June 24, 2020          and tank heels. They can now quickly connect   The partnership also announced today
                                           with Validere for these solutions to improve   that the Board has appointed D. Andrew
       The Tank Tiger and Validere         tank operations” said Steven Barsamian of   Woodward as the new chief executive officer
                                           Tank Tiger.
                                                                                of Blueknight effective June 22, 2020.
       partner to integrate Tank           Tiger. Connecting our clients to their storage   financial officer while the board and audit
                                              “We’re thrilled to partner with Tank
                                                                                  Mr. Woodward will remain interim chief
       Tiger opportunities within          platform is very well aligned with our vision   committee conduct a search process for a
                                                                                successor CFO.
                                           for increasingly efficient energy supply chains
       the Validere Edge platform          through data” said Nouman Ahmad, Validere   BLUEKNIGHT ENERGY PARTNERS, June 22,
       Validere, a leading data intelligence platform   VALIDERE AND THE TANK TIGER, June 23,
       for oil and gas, is pleased to announce a   2020

       P18                                      www. NEWSBASE .com                           Week 25   25•June•2020
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