Page 13 - NorthAmOil Week 25
P. 13

NorthAmOil                                  PERFORMANCE                                          NorthAmOil

       Ranch Energy collapse leaves

       over 400 orphan wells

        WESTERN          THE collapse of an Alberta-based producer,  200 of the company’s newly orphaned wells are
        CANADA           Ranch Energy, has resulted in 401 wells and three  located on farmland or private property. The BC
                         other facilities in British Columbia being desig-  Oil and Gas Commission told CBC News that
                         nated as orphan sites. This more than doubles the  cleaning up these sites could take up to 10 years,
                         total of such orphan sites in BC to 770, according  but added that some may be restored “much
                         to the BC Oil and Gas Commission.    sooner”.
                           Oil and gas wells and facilities are deemed to   Cleaning up all 404 sites is estimated to cost
                         be orphaned when producers go bankrupt, or if  around CAD40mn ($29mn).
                         they abandon the site without shutting down or   An industry fund is supposed to cover
                         completing reclamation work and subsequently  the clean-up costs of orphan wells and other
                         cannot be located by authorities. The number of  facilities. However, the Office of the BC Audi-
                         orphan sites in BC has steadily grown from 45  tor General warned in 2019 that the fund was
                         in mid-2016, illustrating the toll that both the  millions of dollars short of what it requires.
                         last industry downturn and the current one have  This year, Western Canadian clean-up efforts
                         taken.                               received a boost on the announcement that the
                           Ranch went into receivership in 2018, but  federal government would spend CAD1.7bn
                         the company’s court-approved bankruptcy pro-  ($1.2bn) to help restore inactive and orphaned
                         ceedings were only finalised on June 12 this year.  wells across Alberta, BC and Saskatchewan.
                         Under the transaction, 414 of Ranch’s oil and gas  BC received CAD120mn ($88mn) of this, with
                         sites were sold to Erikson National Energy, while  CAD15mn ($11mn) allocated to the province’s
                         the rest were designated as orphaned. Almost  orphan well fund.™

       LNG buyers reportedly set to cancel

       40-45 August cargoes from US

        US               BUYERS of LNG are reportedly expected to  cancellation fee of $3.00-3.50 [per mmBtu, or
                         cancel 40-45 cargoes scheduled for loading at  $82.98-96.81 per 1,000 cubic metres],” a trader
                         US terminals in August. The number, which had  was quoted by Reuters as saying.
                         yet to be confirmed earlier this week because the   LNG producers do not typically disclose
                         deadline to provide notice to some of the termi-  details of cancellations or other commercial
                         nals involved was June 22, would be roughly in  arrangements with their customers, but at least
                         line with the amount of cargoes cancelled for July  20-30 US LNG cargoes scheduled for June load-
                         loading.                             ing are reported to have been cancelled, before
       Cheniere Energy is   Citing several market sources, Reuters cited  the number of cancellations rose for the subse-
       thought to be the   the slow recovery in Asian gas demand and  quent months.
       worst-affected by the   record-high European gas stocks as reasons for   Cheniere Energy is thought to be the
       cancellations.    the large number of cancellations. The sources  worst-affected by the cancellations because it
                         reportedly added that the premium of gas prices  operates two liquefaction terminals and is the
                         in Europe over the US Henry Hub benchmark  US’ largest exporter of LNG. Indeed, Reuters
                         remained too tight to deliver US cargoes to the  cited one of its trade sources as saying that close
                         continent profitably.                to 30 cargoes for August loading were likely to
                           The comments came as the August contract  have been cancelled from Cheniere’s two Gulf
                         on the Title Transfer Facility (TTF) gas hub in  Coast terminals.
                         the Netherlands was trading around $0.10 per   Some of the news service’s sources have sug-
                         million British thermal units ($2.77 per 1,000  gested, however, that loading a cargo in August
                         cubic metres) above the Henry Hub price.  might make more sense compared with June
                           “At those levels, European buyers are looking  and July, as there was a price contango between
                         at a loss of over $5.00 [per mmBtu, or $138.30 per  August and forward months, with shipping
                         1,000 cubic metres] compared with just paying a  rates low.™

       Week 25   25•June•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P13
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