Page 17 - NorthAmOil Week 25
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NorthAmOil                                  NEWS IN BRIEF                                        NorthAmOil

                                                                                Gulf Coast mega project to the cusp of
                                                                                completion,” said Sasol President and Chief
                                                                                Executive Officer, Fleetwood Grobler. “The
                                                                                additional capacity strengthens Sasol’s
                                                                                leadership position in the specialty alcohol
                                                                                and alumina markets, which is core to the
                                                                                company’s Chemicals growth strategy.”
                                                                                  “Our investment in Lake Charles –
                                                                                including the additional ethoxylation
                                                                                capacity that began operation in January
                                                                                2020 – combined with the startup of our new
                                                                                ethoxylation unit in Nanjing, China in 2019,
                                                                                strengthens our existing asset base,” said Sasol
                                                                                Executive Vice President: Chemicals Business,
                                                                                Brad Griffith.
                                                                                  “With this expansive global footprint, we
                                                                                continue aligning our business with powerful
                                                                                global megatrends to identify high-value
                                                                                growth opportunities we can support with
       software partner it could depend on to meet   the first equipment to liquefy natural gas at its   our unique chemistries. These megatrends
       the strict regulatory obligations of its four   export facility under construction in Cameron  underpin our strategy of providing solutions
       FERC-regulated interstate pipelines and four   Parish, Louisiana. Yesterday, the company   to a growing and urbanising middle class
       state-regulated pipelines.          received and began setting in place two Chart   focused on health, hygiene and sustainability.
         “We conducted a thorough evaluation   Industries, Inc. (GTLS) brazed aluminium   Through collaborative innovation with our
       process, and the results were clear,” said Scott   heat exchangers, also known as cold boxes,   customers, we are committed to developing
       Langston, Senior Vice President and Chief   which are the first of eighteen cold boxes   sustainable solutions which form a part of
       Commercial Officer at Black Bear. “Quorum   that will be part of the Calcasieu Pass LNG   the developing circular economy,” said Mr
       is the only software vendor proven to meet   liquefaction process system. The cold boxes,   Griffith.
       the regulatory requirements of our pipeline   made in the USA, were delivered more than   The Ziegler and Guerbet alcohols expand
       systems and support a growing company of   four months ahead of schedule and a mere   Sasol’s position in having the broadest
       our size,” continued Langston. “We appreciate   ten months after the project’s final investment   integrated alcohols and surfactants portfolio
       the positive approach and partnership   decision (FID).                  in the world. Sasol is a recognised leader in
       Quorum brings to meeting our goals, as well   Installing the first modules of the process   chemicals for essential care markets such
       as reasonable pricing for onboarding our   system is an important milestone for the   as laundry, home care, personal care and
       assets and a strong willingness to collaborate   project, which is composed of eighteen mid-  hygiene.
       in solving our challenges.”         scale, modular liquefaction trains, factory-  SASOL, June 23, 2020
         As Black Bear focuses on operational   fabricated in Italy by Baker Hughes. Co-CEOs
       efficiency and maintaining low overhead in   Bob Pender and Mike Sabel jointly stated,
       uncertain times for the oil and gas industry,   “We are extremely impressed with the early   SERVICES
       the company made a strategic decision to   delivery and execution by Chart Industries
       engage Quorum to provide measurement   and appreciate our collaboration with them.”  CORRE announces update
       services through its affiliate, Coastal Flow.   VENTURE GLOBAL LNG, June 19, 2020
       Coastal Flow services combined with                                      and reliance upon filing
       FLOWCAL gas measurement software deliver   Sasol announces beneficial
       the most cost-effective way for Black Bear to                            exemptions for annual
       gain subject-matter expertise and ensure the   operations of fifth and sixth
       validity of measurement data.                                            and interim financial
       QUORUM SOFTWARE, June 18, 2020      Lake Charles Chemicals

                                           Project facilities                   statements
       DOWNSTREAM                                                               Canadian Oil Recovery and Remediation
                                           Sasol today announced that the Guerbet   Enterprises (CORRE) provides an update on
       Venture Global announces            alcohol unit at our Lake Charles Chemicals   the status of its financial statement filings.
                                                                                The company previously announced that,
                                           Project (LCCP) achieved beneficial operations
       arrival of first liquefaction       on 19 June 2020. This follows three days after   pursuant to the blanket relief granted by the
                                           achieving beneficial operations on the Ziegler
                                                                                Canadian Securities Administrators it would
       equipment at Calcasieu              alcohol unit, bringing the online capacity   not file its annual financial statements for
                                           of LCCP’s specialty chemicals units to 100
                                                                                the year ended December 31, 2019, and the
       Pass LNG export facility            percent and LCCP’s total online nameplate   related management’s discussion and analysis,
                                           capacity to 86 percent.
                                                                                as required by Parts 4 and 5 of National
       Venture Global LNG is proud to announce   The beneficial operations of these LCCP   Instrument 51-102 – Continuous Disclosure
       that Calcasieu Pass LNG has begun installing   facilities progresses Sasol’s seven-unit U.S.   Obligations prior to the filing deadline of

       Week 25   25•June•2020                   www. NEWSBASE .com                                             P17
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