Page 4 - DMEA Week 25 2021
P. 4

DMEA                                          COMMENTARY                                               DMEA

       Sonangol seeks advisor for

       Lobito refinery company

       Angola’s state oil firm is seeking assistance in the formation of a
       company to build and operate its flagship refining project at Lobito.

        AFRICA           ANGOLAN  national oil company (NOC)  said it expects the Lobito plant to be finished by
                         Sonangol announced this week that it is pre-  2025.
                         paring to launch a tender for advisory services   A 1.5-square km site has been allocated just
       WHAT:             related to the establishment of the company that  north of Lobito. As previously conceived, the
       Sonangol is looking for   will operate a newbuild refinery in Lobito and to  refinery would be built in two phases – the first
       partners to assist with   the financing of the refinery project.  comprising low-conversion units aimed at satis-
       the development of the   According to a company statement, Sonan-  fying local demand, and the second upgrading
       facility and appears to   gol will begin accepting offers for the contract  the plant’s complexity to produce higher-quality
       be willing to part with   on July 9. It will formally launch the bidding  fuels suitable for export.
       an equity stake in the   process at an event where it is due to present the   A deal was signed in 2007 with Chinese
       project.          results of a preliminary feasibility study of the  refining giant Sinopec to develop and fund the
                         project, which envisions the construction of a  scheme, while a front-end engineering and
       WHY:              new oil-processing plant in several stages. The  design (FEED) study on the Lobito plant was
       The 200,000-bpd refinery   proposed final stage would bring the facility’s  completed by KBR in 2010.
       has been on the drawing   throughput capacity up to 200,000 barrels per   In 2011, the oil ministry said that Lobito
       board for two decades   day (bpd).                     would process around 120,000 bpd during its
       and progress has been   The NOC said it intended to explain the  first stage of operation.
       limited to the designation   requirements for participation in the tender at   Meanwhile, Engineers India Ltd was awarded
       of a site north of the port   the event. It also said it would reveal the dead-  a contract for FEED validation and review of
       city.             lines for submitting bids for the contract on the  basic engineering and design in mid-2015.
                         same day.                              BP, Eni and Total have all previously held
       WHAT NEXT:          Meanwhile, Downstream MEA (DMEA)  talks with Luanda about possible investment,
       Development work is also   understands that the process will allow Sonangol  and the Italian firm agreed in late 2015 to review
       kicking off on smaller   to select its partners for the implementation of  the plans.
       refineries at Cabinda   the project, with these partners to hold a stake in
       and Soyo as well as the   the facility when complete. This appears to sug-  Soyo progress
       overhaul of the Luanda   gest that the tender may lead to opportunity for  During Q1 this year, Angola’s Ministry of Min-
       unit as the country seeks   investors to acquire an equity share.  eral Resources and Petroleum (MIREMPET)
       to become one of the key                               awarded a $3.5bn build, own and operate (BOO)
       players in sub-Saharan   Broad plans                   contract for the construction of a 100,000 bpd
       African refining.  Plans to build the Lobito unit in Benguela Prov-  facility at Soyo in northern Zaire Province to a
                         ince are part of a broader strategy to modernise  consortium led by California-based electrical
                         and expand Angola’s refining capabilities, which  contractor Quanten.
                         are currently limited to the ageing 38,000 bpd   According to Quanten, the facility will pro-
                         Luanda refinery near the capital, and to reduce  duce “consumer-ready end products such as gas-
                         dependence on imported fuels.        oline, diesel, jet fuel and asphalt, and is protected
                           The programme also provides for the con-  from adverse geopolitical events” and will also
                         struction of another two refineries in Soyo and  employ stringent pollution and sulphur content
                         Cabinda and for the modernisation and upgrade  requirements when it comes into operation in
                         of the existing Luanda facility.     2024.
                           Angolan authorities began discussing plans   The winning consortium is comprised
                         for the Lobito project around 20 years ago, but  of US firms Quanten, TGT and Aurum &
                         progress on the project has been slow. Sonangol  Sharp and local technical services firm ATIS
                         announced in 2019 that it had received 68 offers  Nebest-Angola.
                         in a tender for the right to build the refinery, but   The group came out on top, following a ten-
                         thus far it has not named any winners in the bid-  der process that was launched in October 2019.
                         ding process. The cost of the scheme has been  Between September and December 2020, due
                         estimated at around $8bn.            diligence was carried out by PwC on eight bid-
                           Sonaref, the state oil firm’s refining arm, has  ders, with five consortia going through to the

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