Page 6 - DMEA Week 25 2021
P. 6
Iran elects new
President at critical
juncture for sanctions
Whether or not most Iranians wanted this outcome, it is
time for change in Tehran as hardliners expand control.
MIDDLE EAST IRAN last week elected the favourite candidate, also mentioned that his government would fight
conservative judiciary chief Ebrahim Raisi, as its corruption and improve welfare of Iran.
next President in what has been labelled a ‘sham The 13th presidential elections in the history
WHAT: election’ following the disqualification of mod- of the Islamic Republic were held on July 18 with
Whether or not most erate candidates. a record low turnout of 48.8%. Raisi is reported
Iranians wanted this Once he takes office, hardliners will control to have won 17.9mn votes (62%), 2mn more
outcome, it is time all branches of Iran’s government for the first votes than he managed in the 2016 election,
for change in Tehran time in a decade. when he ran against Rouhani.
as hardliners expand Raisi’s victory marks a changing of the guard “The message of the people of Iran is change.
control. from the comparatively moderate administra- The message of the people of Iran is the fight
tion of the outgoing Hassan Rouhani, under against corruption, poverty and discrimination,
WHY: whose watch the capabilities of the local oil and as well as the achievement of justice,” he said.
Less than half of eligible gas sector have improved significantly despite Raisi added that “this is a message for the
voters turned out to vote the challenges posed by ongoing US-backed [new] government that needs to be heard.”
amid concerns about sanctions. He said that “the priorities of the government
the disqualification of Perhaps the most noteworthy upstream will improve the business environment, peo-
moderate candidates. achievements of the Rouhani era are the rise ple’s lives and the situation in the government,
in oil production capacity at the south-western as well as reforming the administrative system
WHAT NEXT: West Karoun field cluster from 70,000 barrels per and eliminating the traditional bureaucracy that
Much will depend day in 2013 to the current 420,000 bpd and the impedes change”.
on Raisi’s ability to bringing of nine of the 24 development phases On the nuclear deal, Raisi said the new Ira-
balance his backers’ of the supergiant South Pars gas field to fruition. nian government will support the nuclear deal if
apparent desire for more Major progress was made in downstream the other parties to the agreement fully honour
hardline rhetoric and and grid connectivity, with the Persian Gulf Star their commitments.
compromises that will Refinery (PGSR) refinery project making Iran “Our call is that you must fulfil your terms of
achieve a return to the self-sufficient in gasoline and 95% of the pop- the agreement, and then we will fulfil ours,” he
JCPOA. ulation now being connected to the country’s said, answering a question about the importance
extensive gas network. of the nuclear deal for the new government. “Our
However, the departure of the US from policy does not start with or end with a nuclear
the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action deal,” the president-elect added.
(JCPOA) in 2018 hampered the government’s Raisi said: “Iran will not negotiate a nuclear
efforts to bring about the major strides forward deal if they do not secure the country’s interests.”
that were anticipated when the deal was struck. The incoming president added that Iran
is calling on the US to return to its obligations
Time for change under the JCPOA, saying that Washington had
Despite the best efforts of Rouhani, Foreign Min- “violated the agreements” by withdrawing from
ister Mohammad Javad Zarif and Oil Minister the deal.
Bijan Zanganeh, who will all leave office, Raisi “The Europeans are not fulfilling their obli-
has already spoken of Iran’s need for change. gations. The United States must fulfil its obli-
During his first press conference since win- gations, and the Europeans must not yield to
ning the election, he said that the “people of American pressure,” he added.
Iran are demanding change”, though he prom- On the country’s ballistics programme, Raisi
ised to keep with the current nuclear deal in his said the Iranian missile programme would not
answers to Iranian and foreign journalists. Raisi be discussed in international negotiations and
P6 www. NEWSBASE .com Week 25 24•June•2021