Page 11 - DMEA Week 25 2021
P. 11
Uganda nears completion
of Hoima refinery FEED
AFRICA UGANDA expects front-end engineering and The governments of Tanzania and Kenya are
design (FEED) work to be completed on its new also considering acquiring shares of 8.5% and
refinery at Kabaale near Hoima in August ahead 2.5% respectively.
of taking a final investment decision (FID) by Mugerwa said: “We are also looking at some
mid-2022. East African institutions like the National Social
Speaking during the Uganda Chamber of Security Fund, which has an interest in investing
Mines & Petroleum’s 7th Annual Oil and Gas in the refinery.”
Convention, the project’s general manager The project has a memorandum of under-
Michael Mugerwa said that the 60,000 barrel standing (MoU) in place with the developers
per day (bpd) facility is expected to be commis- of the Kingfisher and Tilenga oilfields in Lake
sioned in 2026. He noted that the FEED work is Albert – Total and China National Offshore Oil
now 97% complete. Corp. (CNOOC) – for first option to purchase
The cost of building the refinery is expected crude output.
to amount to a total of around $4bn and is The partners are also developing the 1,445-
being built by the Albertine Graben Refinery km East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP)
Consortium (AGRC), which is comprised of running from Hoima to the Indian Ocean port
US’ BakerHughes GE, Italy’s Saipem and Mau- of Tanga.
ritian-registered Yaatra Africa and Lionworks Mugerwa added that the Hoima refinery’s
Group. The consortium will hold a 60% stake product slate will include LPG, Euro-5 diesel
in the facility, with Uganda National Oil Co. and gasoline, jet A-1 fuel and limited amounts
(UNOC) subsidiary Uganda Refinery Holding of heavy fuel oil and sulphur, with plans to
Co. owning the remainder and currently work- add petrochemicals and plastics production
ing to secure financing. capabilities.
Week 25 24•June•2021 www. NEWSBASE .com P11